Humblr retold

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Hey guys!

Hope you're doing well - I know I am, thanks to the fact there's less than a month until my birthday and it's almost winter already. Now, I only need snow and ...

... gifts from the three good old men (or in my case two - Dedek Mraz doesn't bring gifts in my family). More on that in the after-chapter author's note, if you're interested.



"Hetalia?" Gravity Falls' voice was shaking as he spoke.

"What is it?"

"I ... There was this nightmare I had and I'm scared to go back to sleep-"

"Are you okay to drive?"

"I think so ..."

"Come over."

"Thanks," he let out. "Can I stay on the line until I come?"

"Only if you can still drive with two hands."


Hetalia smiled and answered. "Well, I am the hero."

He could hear the other fandom breath out softly, like if he smiled.

"Hey ... Why didn't you call your usual cartoons gang? You know ... SU, SVFE, OTGW and so on?"

"Disney invited them to Moana ... I wanted to go too, but I didn't finish my work yet so ..."

"I see we can go see it together with youtubers, they're crazy about Disney and Pixar movies."

"That'd be great, thanks."

The rest of the conversation was just radio silence and some worried 'are you okay's and some reassuring 'yeah's, with Tumblr shooting concerned glares at the fandom walking around the kitchen table nervously.

Gravity Falls' arrival was anounced by a ringing house bell. After Hetalia opened the door, the shorter fandom basically fell at the taller one.

He rubbed his cheek against the soft wool of Hetalia's knitted sweater and the taller one awkwardly returned the unexpected hug.

"Thanks, bro friend."

Gravity Falls took a step back, allowing Hetalia to get a good look at him.

GF was just as messy looking as himself or even more. His hair was ruffled, the bags under his eyes huge enough to carry grocery in them and he just pulled his sweater over his pyjamas before sitting in his golf cart.

"I had the Caitlyn nightmares foor a month or so myself. What about you?"

"Month and a half?" Gravity Falls shrugged.

"And you haven't told anyone?" Hetalia wondered, with some concern.

"I told you." Gravity Falls gently poked Hetalia's chest.

"Do I look like professional help?"

Gravity Falls shook his head. "No, of course not."

"Good, because my therapist is Tumblr."

"She's not quite professional either..."

"I helped insomniacs, depressed people, people with anxiety and more. I think I'm professional enough."

The two fandoms turned to look at the website, leaning on the doorframe of the door leading to Hetalia's sitting room.

"You're here too?"

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