chapter 3

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Melody's POV: so my alarm went off as always and i did my routine and before i put my clothes on i got a phone call from Mrs. carter  saying that jay and them were going on tour and i had to come with them for blue ivy's sake to babysit so put my clothes on this what i'm  wearing 

 carter  saying that jay and them were going on tour and i had to come with them for blue ivy's sake to babysit so put my clothes on this what i'm  wearing 

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 cute right any way i made my way downstairs and i had my clothes packed and i got a text from bey

text convo:

BEY:hey mel where do u live so we can come get you

my thoughts :crap i have got to think of a place 

ME: um dont worry i am heading to mellow park right now so u can get me from there.

BEY:ok see you


that was close so i got to the park and i see a black truck and beyonce head pops out of it

BEY:hey lets go we have to go pick up jay and blue 


so  i got in the car and bey asked me a question that i never thought she would ask 

BEY:hey how come i have never seen your house before 

ME:Um well my parents don't allow people at their house so um yea.

BEY:not even the outside?(confused)

ME:yea they don't like when people are there and they aren't 

BEY:oh ok 

after that we picked jay and blue up and we talked and laughed about stuff and i was happy i really like hanging out with them when they aren't busy so we got on the tour bus and it was pretty here are some pics 

after that we picked jay and blue up and we talked and laughed about stuff and i was happy i really like hanging out with them when they aren't busy so we got on the tour bus and it was pretty here are some pics 

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