chapter 5

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ME :what do you want 

M:look sweetie there is something i have to tell 

ME:And what is that that u want me back 

M:no nut i wanted to tell you are not the only girl you have a twin sister that i put before you she was born in the morning while u were born at night.

ME: (gasp )you mean to tell me that i had a sister this whole time and u didn't tell me (getting angry )

M:yes and i abandoned her too she  somewhere on the street in Philly somewhere have a nice day (hangs up)

ugh this women so i tole bey if i could go for a walk and she said yea and to call when i am ready to be picked up i ran to try to dine her and i saw this girl on a bench and she look like this :

ugh this women so i tole bey if i could go for a walk and she said yea and to call when i am ready to be picked up i ran to try to dine her and i saw this girl on a bench and she look like this :

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i shook her and she got up 

ME:hi whats ur name 

???:harmoni why 

(btw mom told me her name )

ME(gasp) hi i am melody i am ur twin sister

H:yea right i don't have sister my mom would have told me 

ME:who is ur mom

H: Selena James 

ME: that's my mom

Harmoni look dumbfound and shocked and we started to talk and get to know each other we walked back to the bus she knows everything  we went in  and saw beyonce and jay and everybody sitting down.

Bey:hey guys who is this 

ME:this  is my twin harmoni 

BEY:oh well nice to meet u 

H:hi Mrs.beyonce big fan>

BEY:cool would u like to come on tour come with us 

ME&H:that would be so cool

BEY:ok so why don't u go ask ur parents 

BOOM everything came crashing down me and harmoni .We looked at each other with sad looks cuz we knew that we were abandoned and she didn't bey and jay looked at us with confused looks

JAY:whats going on is there somethin yall not telling us 

ME:u- um -um w-e um(i stuttered)
BEY:what is going on tell us now (serious tone)

me and harm broke down crying cuz we knew that we didn't have any parents to ask 

BEY:what is the matter 

ME: ok ok i have been lying   to u guys 

 JAY: about what

ME:my life harmoni knows i just told we just meet a few seconds ago 

H:yea we just meet 

JAY&BEY:(YELLS) tell us what the heck is going now or your fired 

i looked at them and said 

ME:i dont know where my parents are i have been abandoned by them and so has harmoni me and her are the youngest out of 8 kids we just found each other  my mom threw me out of the car onto the street and i have lived in an abandoned house i have lied to u guys ever since i started working here and i didn't mean to lie but i just wanted to have a job and i didn't want to leave i love this family so much ur family is so perfect at how it is i didn't mean to lie i'm sorry.

Harm: and mom and dad took me back home and threw me out i have been living on the streets in philly when mom dropped me off once me and mel met we started to bond and i am very happy that she is my sister cuz without her i would not  be with her fire her if u want to but just know she loves blue very much like anything and i can see why she likes working her and i think she should keep this job.

jay and bey looked shocked and sorry for the both of us and they looked at us and bey said 

BEY: u girls are so strong and  so confident about ur self's but mel for u to lie was so wrong we could have took in u in an-(gco)

H:but if u did we would have not met.

me:true dat 

we laughed 

JAY:u know we could adopt u girls if we wanted to and it is not too late 

BEY:true it isn't and blue would love u guys 


they nodded and said when we get back they will work on it so we ate and talked then i get a phone call from someone i hate and it was not my mom this time so i answered it 



???:hi am looking for Melody and harmoni James  

the voice sounded familiar but didn't ring a bell 

ME:and who is calling ?

???:there father 


haha i love teasing u guys hope u like it comment ,vote,follow 

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