always got to tell her everything Part 7

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melody' POV : okay i know what u are thinking how do u know well my mom and dad have been thru a lot and my parents gave us up to protect us i overheard them talking they thought i didn't know but i did they said that they will never see us again and i hated it and  now that my father has seen us he will not stop until  he gets us because we are only bait what i mean is  he is trying to get us killed.

morning : i woke up and got breakfast and woke up London and she looked mad she is not a morning person like me.

L :WHAT u wake me up for 

BEY: hey its time to get up  that's why now get dressed now

ME :kk  L: ugh

so we got up did our routine and got dressed (btw we are back home)

London is wearing :

London is wearing :

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melody is wearing: 

BEY: come on 

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BEY: come on 


ME:wheres blue and jay

BEY: they went to the studio 

L:oh okay 

so we left and went to the store got a couple of stuff then went to the mall and then headed back home when we got there blue and jay were on the couch knocked out 

ME: aww they looked so cute sleep together 

BEY: i know lets wake them up 

L: i got an idea 

as soon as she did that blue woke up and got off the couch and jay fell off the couch lol

ME &BEY&L: (laughing hard on the floor)


ME:oh ok we are sorry jay but that was so funny 

JAY: oh so,its funny 

l:yea it sure is 

jay rolls his eyes at us 

ME: roll them again and i will punch them suckas out they socket roll them again i dare u to

jay :shut up 

we all laughed and we seen blue sleep on the floor so London took her up stairs and she came back and we watched movies and then i we went up stairs to our rooms and when i was about to go to sleep,i get a text 

TEXT: I am coming for you and your sister watch ur back little girl 

and that's when i got mad because there is no telling who that was i mean so many people are after us because of my stupid parents its like we are about to have world war lll so i got up and went to London's room and she was awake

me:hey sissy 

L:hey whats up 

ME: there is something i have to tell you 

L: and what is that 

ME: i know the reason why mom and dad abandoned us 

L: what no u don't u said u didn't 

ME : but i do i just never thought about it until now 

L: you mean to tell me u knew why we were abandoned and you didn't tell 

ME : i mean i guess 

L: are u kidding me so u knew but did not tell me 

ME: and why do i have to 

L: cuz i am ur sister u have to tell me everything 

ME: not everything i can tell some things but not everything because some stuff u have to keep to ur self  

L:  so what u should have told me 

ME: for what 

L : may be i could have helped 

ME : with what there is nothing we can do accept stay low you 

L: but maybe we could have done something and maybe dad would not after us 

ME: do u even know what dad is cable  of  huh and do you know why he is after us 

L: no

me : ok that's what i thought and i know why he is doing this and i know what he is cable of because he taught me how to fight and a lot of other things .

L: idc i need to know 

me: and what will you do about it our dad is trying to find us to get us killed what will we do huh tell me .

London looked like she did not know what to do or say to me and London are the same but we are different sometimes because i know what i am doing and London thinks she does to but she doesn't . Our parents have done so many bad things they could be put in jail for life and i have to be the one to make sure London does not know nothing about that because she is supposed to be the calm one.   

ME: that's what i thought i am going to bed until u think u know the answer idc anymore . 

so i went to bed and then i got a phone call from another unknown number and i should have not answered it.

ME: who is this and what do u want i am trying to sleep 

???: hi i am looking for London and melody James 

again the voice sounded familiar but did not ring a bell 

ME: why 

???: i am there eldest brother Tyson 

CLIFFHANGER! i love teasing u guys after all the brothers appear i will do the character except for beyonce and blue and jay-z because we know what they look like  comment,vote,follow


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