day 1

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Hey day one pig said meeow. Day 1: Pick one of your friends, and get them to tell you a random fact about themselves. Write a story about this. Including 'I like cookies.'

My fact: My friend is related to a murder.

One morning, when running wolves in croydon, (there are no wolves in Croydon.) wait wrong story back up a bit.

One morning on a crisp may day (mayday mayday loosing altitude) my best friend went on a killing streek she killed a cat a pig a rabbit and a mooshmellow. the only witness was a goldfish from shefield. the police had to interigate him (his name is henry), but all they could get out of him was: wait for it : I like cookies. it turns out he lost his memory one spring morning when he was married to a pinapple. that was a dead end.

None of those officers noticed the vampire penguin watching them upside down from the ceiling his name was sir jack flopperson and he sees all hunts all and EATS all (spiders) he swooped down and told officer .I.Suck what he knew and he told Jefferson Watserface, who told Sargent R.U.Mad and on it went until it reached Aggy squid an MI47.64 agent who went to mr proffeser sargent major officer deputy farmer accountant worker pebble collector brother of bobett andersowathdjxiwjdidhbdjxghdjcghsjxhjducgdihchjduhdjjgdhgdughchbxhh (who was Plutonian) owner of 5004672994862564975239625738753693 ferrets master Richard sir (her boss), but they call him MPSMODFAWPCBOBAOOBIGNUMBERFMRS for short or just super amazing boss. They interviewed jack but they already knew more than him.

Then they found me.

I told them it was my bezzy Daisy who stabbed me so I was a ghost and they all ran away and I flew off to scare the locals so that was a dead end too. Then we get our main charactor Ben smitherwik. He found that so called Daisy and arrested her for stealing his sock, she got a long time in prison for it 37.92 seconds to be prisice and we all lived happily ever after (except MPSMODFAWPCBOBAOOBIGNUMBERFMRS he died) THE END

There you go, this was started at one in the morning and finished at nine so yeah. My brother helped, (a lot,). Running with wolves belongs to MoneySuperMarket and a married pineapple to Ice Age 3. Hope liked this and please review cuz I would love to see what everyone on here says about it. (style of writing?) Happy first day of advent.

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