Day 16

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Day 16: I love this one! Create a fairy tale! Can be rhymes, poems, short stories, sonnets, songs; anything! But don't make it long - this does have to be completed within a day.

Once upon a time there was a pig who lived happily ever after. But that's a different story this one is mostly completely different I think.

Once upon a time there was a princess, who was locked up in a tower by NOT a dragon they're actually good, but by a rostrich (1/2 ostrich 1/2 raptor) who let out a deafening RARARARARARARRARGVMUXHIUGMIHJJDHCJENCIKDSKIDKEMCKKDJDHD every time he wanted to say something. There was also once apon I time a prince (what a coincidence right?) so one day in summer he was singing Christmas songs when he came across a rather rear bit of magic, oh no wrong story again he was singing Christmas songs (IN SUMMER?!) when he saw a tower so climbed it, fell off and broke hi back so he was whisked off to the rostriches tummytumtum so Po another prince (prince Po is just weird) so he could see who lived in the tower (it"s princess penny of course duh!) so anyway suddenly the rostrich jumped out and said RARARARARARARRARGVMUXHIUGMIHJJDHCJENCIKDSKIDKEMCKKDJDHD just then it rolled over so Po tickled it's tummytumtum and it helped him up the tower and everyone lived happily ever after, even the rostrich, he became Po's horse except less horse like THE END WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT SO TOUGH.

Hey this was written by my brother so yeah any comments and votes directed towards him I'll say, because he forces me too. he also found the way to remove a layer od tye die stuff. Soap and washing up liquid. it honestly works! but yah like it and if you haven't voted for every single chapter in this epic thing please go back and do that now. Especilly if you name is Loony (5789), Pixie (SuperBatman4) or LaLaLarge, and anybody else would be greatly appreciated.

That's all for today and I thank you for your time, the emergency exists are to your left, right, in front and behind you.

I have no clue why I just did that but remember! VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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