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"If it's not one thing, it's another" my grandmother always use to say that and boy was she right!

Shaking his head Quincy walked out the room to get the door I'm guessing, while I looked around for my clothes.

His room was huge but it was so plain. A big flat screen T.V. hung up on the wall directly in front of his big king sized bed. A black dresser sat to the side with all types of smell goods and jewelry. Then to the other side was a big walk in closet.

"Oooh who's this pretty lil bitch?"

Turning around I could see a tall gorgeous girl standing in the doorway, looking like a runway model.

I didn't know if I should take it as a compliment or offense...

"Queeny this is Goddess, Ms Pam granddaughter. Goddess this is my sister Queeny"

"What! You're Pru daughter?" She yelled.

Nodding my head I stood quietly.

"Damn girl you grew up" she smiled.

"You're not that much older than her" Quincy said.

"Boy shut up! What you doing here? Ooh y'all fucking around?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

I quickly shook my head "no" I said.

"Mmhm if you say so. I'll be in your refrigerator Q" she said before turning and waking out.

"Your clothes in the wash machine you threw up on them last night. Make yourself at home"

"Wait!" I called before he could walk out "I need to get home my granny waiting on me"

"You good, I talked to her" and with that he walked out.

What now?

I felt so out of place just standing in the middle of his bedroom.

Walking pass to leave out the room I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My hair was all over my head and my face was bare.

What he washed my makeup off too? Omg I look hideous!

It's not like he's seen me without makeup before because he did when Grams invited him over for dinner. But now without my makeup on I felt even more out of place. I felt....ugly!

But why? You're beautiful.

"I'm not beautiful. I'm not beautiful at all" I mumbled combing my hair with my fingers.

Everything about my face disgusted me. Everything about my body disgusted me. I have stretch marks on my arms, my butt is flat and my boobs are little nubs.

Nothing about me is beautiful.

Guys hardly ever look my way when I don't have on a full face and tight revealing clothes.

I guess I'm just too painful to look at.

Before I knew it tears were sliding down my cheeks as I stared at my reflection.

"Why couldn't I be born beautiful? Why did you make me this way? Why did you make me ugly?"

"You good?"

Spinning around I noticed Quincy standing in the doorway.

Quickly wiping my face I nodded and said "yes".

But honestly I wasn't okay. I just wanted to go home, lay in bed with some ice cream and chocolate, while I watched repeats of Charmed.

"What's wrong?" He asked walking in my direction.

"Nothing. I'm okay." I smiled...or at least attempted too.

"Don't lie in my face. I don't like that, what's wrong?" He asked.

He was now directly in front of me.

"I don't want to talk about it. Can you just take me home please" I mumbled dropping my head.

Using his hand he lifted my chin to make me look up at him. I couldn't read his expression. Not that I was good at that type of shit anyway.

He didn't speak at first. He just kept staring.

"Okay" he finally said dropping his hand.

He backed up a little looking me up and down.

"Your clothes aren't finished but you can rock out in that, and I'll just bring them later. Cool?"

"Yes. Do you know where my heels are?"

"Broke, I have some nike slides out by the door. Let's go"

I followed behind him out his room. We walked down a hallway before we reached his living room which had a black sectional, black love seat, glass table, and an entertainment system.

"Aw, you're leaving?" Queeny asked coming from the kitchen with a plate full of food.

"Yeah" I said.

"Well it was nice seeing you boo" she smiled "tell your grandmother I said hi"

"Okay. Bye" I waved putting my feet in his big slides then slipping out the door.

Seconds later he was coming out behind me with his keys in his hand.

It was a quiet ride to my house. The only noise that could be heard was the old R&B music playing on the radio.

Pulling up on my street neighbors stood around watching as the ambulance placed someone on the stretcher.

My heart dropped once I noticed it was my granny. Not saying a word I quickly jumped out the car and rushed over.

"What's going on!?" I asked looking down at her unconscious body.

"Ma'am I'll need for you to step back"

"That's my grandmother! What's wrong with her? Where are you taking her?"

"She's going to John Hopkins Hospital" he said before jumping into the truck and driving off.

"But I-"

"Come on let's go" Quincy said has he pulled me back towards his car.

I didn't even notice he got out.

"Go where?"

"To see about your grandmother"

Was all he said.

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