Chapter 2

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I didn't say anything, I just began to sob. Ashton sat back down on my bed and grabbed me, placing me into his arms. I placed my head back into the crook of his neck and sobbed quietly.

Ashton took his left hand and intertwined it with my right. His thumb lightly caressed mine. Between my sobs, I could inaudibly hear him say "it's okay".

After awhile, I wiped the rest of the tears out of my eyes. Ashton kissed my forehead gently.

"Callie, I don't understand what you don't see in yourself. You are the most beautiful girl in the world. You're amazing and funny and talented. I can't live without you. You know you can tell me anything. What's the matter this time?"

My mind flashed through what I was thinking the night before. Without mom, life was so much harder. Kiera, my stepmother was verbally abusive. She had got to me, calling me worthless and ugly and unloved. I believe her. But I can't tell Ashton that. He can't know.

I tried as hard as I could to make my lie believable.

"Boy trouble."

Ashton seemed hurt at my words but shrugged it off. He picked up my arm and kissed my scars as I buried my head back into his neck.

"Callie, no guy is worth doing this much abuse to yourself. Please don't ever do it again. If only you could be with someone that would treat you right."

I barely heard him as I started to cry again but I swore he said, "someone like me."

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