Chapter Ten - Make Up Sex...?

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Okay guys here's a long chapter filled with total romance and hot scenes so enjoy :) but don't get your hopes up too high...sometimes chapter titles can be decieving...???!? Enjoy!

Lucas's POV

How could I possibly be happy? The boy I thought I had loved didn't trust me at all. I had no idea how to fix this, or even if this could be fixed.

All I knew is that I was hurting, and that he was hurting just as badly as I was.

This wasn't how a relationship was supposed to be. We weren't supposed to be fighting and hurting and being constantly jealous and untrusting and... This wasn't how it was supposed to be! Bennett's and my relationship was never like this. We never fought, or got jealous, or suspected things of each other that weren't actually true. None of that ever happened.

Yet, I wasn't happy with him. I mean sure, I was happy when he showered me with flowers and chocolates and did all those romantic things... But nothing makes me feel the way I feel when I look into Jake's eyes.

I wasn't sure what to do. I wasn't exactly mad... Just disappointed. I want a relationship with someone who can trust me, and if Jake can't do that, then this will never work.

But I saw where he was coming from. Because here I was, going to go to a gay bar with my ex and a hot guy. I understood that he could be hurt by that. I just wish he could trust that nothing was going to happen.

I took out my phone and went to Photos. I wasn't really sure what I was looking for. Or maybe I was: either way, I was surprised to find a picture of Jake and I at age 10.

In the picture, my arm was around Jake's. He smiled the same way; his genuine smile. The smile that I see and just want to kiss him over and over again. And that's an amazing feeling. Seeing this gorgeous, sexy guy and just wanting him so bad. That's how I feel with Jake. I love him.

And there is no way I'm going to let Bennett and Mark and that fucking gay club get in the way.

I quickly dialed Bennett's number as fast as I could. I waited a few rings until I heard his voice. "Lucas!" He said into the phone.

"I'm not coming tonight." I said, angrily and determinedly.

"Why not? Please come it will be so--"

"No, I'm not fucking coming. You know this little invite almost broke Jake and I up, and now I understand why he's mad. I'm not going to a gay club with my ex and his hot friend while I'm dating him, okay?" I said, wanting to scream. There was a moment of silence.

"Lucas... I'm so sorry. But you can bring him and it will be super fun and--"

"Did you hear what I said? No." I snapped. And then I hung up, feeling better than ever. I wanted to go and find Jake and apologize, but I knew he wouldn't be ready to hear it. Jake takes a while to think about things, and I wanted to give him time.

I looked at the clock. It was 12:30. I decided to go out on the porch and get to know Danielle. After all, she was going to be my mom.

Jake's POV

I watched as people went past me in the mall. Wearing all different colors, being all different races. I just observed them, maybe even looking for something. I looked at girls. Some were gorgeous, gentle, had good style. Then I looked at guys. I couldn't really find a positive thing about them. I mean, of course I found little things, the same things I found in Lucas. There were tan guys, guys with big biceps, guys with good style... Everyone was different. I tried to push myself into finding some of the guys attractive, because how could I not? How could I just have feelings for Lucas, and not anyone else?

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