Part 2, Dentention

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Hannah'S POV:

The day soon came to an end and I took my phone out and rang my dad explaining why I won't be home till late. I dailed his number and he answered 

"Hi dad I umm have a dentention and won't be home till 4."

He laughed and said 

"U have a dentention on your first day? What did you get it for? Being an EMO freak and being in black?"

I rolled my eyes and said 

"Shut up dad."

With that I hung up and headed to Mr Biersack's classroom I knocked on his door and he said 

"Come in."

I opened the door and went into the classroom to a smiling Mr Biersack. I returned the smile and headed to a desk and Mr Biersack got off his chair from his desk and came towards me and sat on my desk and said 

"Happy you didn't ditch the dentention." 

Then he smirked. Which for some reason made my heart melt, why am I feeling this way towards my  fucking teacher?! 

"Would you like to tell me why u were so rude earlier??"

"I it's fine."

I said lying 

He nodded in defeat, he would probably only make fun of me at the fact people pick on me anyways so why would I wanna tell him. He gave me some work to do and the dentention was soon over I looked at my phone and my dad had texted me saying 

'Hey freak, me and ur mother have gone out and won't be back for about a month,it's a business trip. Left u some money so u can survive even though we don't want you to. Sadly see you whenever freak'

I stared at my phone for a second and then a few tears fell, I wiped them away so Sir wouldn't see but he then came back up to me and wiped one of my tears away with this thumb and he then said in his deep calm voice 

"Hannah what's wrong, please tell me."

I turned my head away from him and said 

"It honestly doesn't matter Sir, I best get home."

"Ok but at least let me take you home?"

"Sir u don't have to do that it's fine, I'll walk."

He shook his head and said 

"No Hannah plz let me take you home."

I nodded in defeat and he smiled and went to his desk and packed his things up. Why does he care so much about me and wanting to help? Out of everyone he insists to take me home......Hannah he is a teacher his' just doing his job. You ain't even special so stop thinking you are. My demons in my head told me. I agreeed with them and we both left the school. We got to his car and I hopped and he did the same. I told him the directions to my house and we soon got there. He pulled into the drive and said 

"Aint your parents home?"

"No they are away."

He nodded he saw that no car was in the drive I then said 

"Thank you for dropping me off, I'll see you tomorrow Mr Biersack."

"Please when we ain't at school please call me Andy.."

I nodded and said 

"Well thank you.......Andy."

He smiled and put his hand on my cheek, my cheek started getting hot because I was blushing I then decided to say

"I best go."

He nodded and pulled his hand away from my cheek. I opened the door and said my goodbye he then watched me go to the house and unlock the door, he then left after I entered my house. I got a drink and headed upstairs. 


I looked at my father': text messages again and started to cry he doesn't even care if I die or anything. Neither does my mother I feel like crap and that I  can't do anything right in my life. My parents who should love and be proud of me ain't they are disappointed and hate to be outside with me. I'm nothing but an EMO pathetic freak who should just die already. Tears were streaming down my face I'm such a waste of space. I then went under my bed and got a black box out. I opened it and there they were my only escape from blades I had about 6 in there. I got one out and took my hoodie off before thinking I dragged the blade across my skin about 7 times. I watched the blood drip off me and into the bed sheets. My partners ain't gonna be home so I don't have to hide the blood and with that I fell asleep with my wrist all bloody


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Mr Biersack, my new teacher (Andy Biersack fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang