Part 9,school

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Andy's POV:

I know dating a student of mine is wrong but for some reason I can't help myself but fall in love with this girl. She is different and just makes my heart melt. Hannah is snuggled into my side next to me in bed. I kiss her forehead it's currently 1am and we have school tomorrow. It's gonna be hard keeping this relationship quiet but Im gonna try my best and not Fuck this relationship up because I really do love Hannah. 20 minutes later I fell asleep with the person I love, Hannah next to me.

Hannah's POV: (sorry it's better if it's hannah's POV!) 

I woke up to someone next to me, I looked up to see the most handsome person alive, Andy next to me. I smiled and kissed his cheek. A few seconds later his alarm clock went off, he started to wake up slowly and he turned the alarm clock off, he looked  back at me and said in his morning voice 


God his morning voice is even more sexier than his normal voice. I smiled and said 


He then kissed me which soon turned into a make out session, Andy got on top of me without breaking the kiss, he moaned into the kiss which turned me on a little and he then started kissing my neck. I moaned and then he stopped, teasing me, I looked at him and he smirked he then said 

"School time."

I groaned and said 

"No school can fuck off."

"Sadly it's can't."

I rolled my eyes and he kissed me again and got off me, we both got out of bed and went downstairs to get breakfast. After breakfast Andy said 

"I think it's best if we keep this a secret from school."

I nodded in agreement and said 

"Yeah but remember you're mine."

He smirked and said 

"I'm always yours babe."

He then kissed my lips and headed upstairs to get ready, I'm so lucky to have Andy. He got ready and then I got ready. We left to go to school. Today I was wearing a black dress which is a little short but not too short like a slut. I'm only wearing it to tease Andy which is working a little because I can see him in the car looking at me and biting his lip. He dropped me off around the corner so it doesn't look weird. I got into school and some people looked at me and smirked and others called me a slut which I just shook it off. I went around the corner and saw Ellie tongue wrestling with Ashley again, I've completely gone off him he is a dick. They stopped and Ash said 

"Oh hey slut. Nice dress."

I rolled my eyes and said 

"Thanks Ashley"

I'm gonna play nice he then said 

"Ellie is so much better in bed than you will ever be."

"Ok, wait should I care?"

He rolled his eyes and then I walked past them and flipped them off. Dinner time soon came and I decided to tease Andy a little. I went into his classroom and said 

"Hey handsome."

He smiled at me and said 

"You shouldn't be calling your teachers handsome Miss Watson."

He then came closer to me and I said 

"Well what are you gonna do about it gorgeous?!"

He smirked and said 

"I'll show you."

He then locked the classroom door and came up to me and smashed his lips against mine,his tongue licked my bottom lip asking for entrance but I was gonna play hard and didn't let him he then smirked into the kiss and gently bit my lip which caused me to gasp he then put his tongue in my mouth. Dammit he caught me. I then went to his neck kissing and sucking his skin, he kept moaning, I felt him get hard and I pulled away. He gave me a glare and I said 

"Remember not in school."

He glared at me again and said 

"I'm so gonna punish you for this."

He then gave me an evil smirk and kissed me again I  then said 

"Class is in 10 minutes what are you gonna do with your little friend?"

His cheeks went red and said 

"Shut up, you did this!"

 I laughed and went to my seat. 10 minutes later Andy came back after sorting his little problem out and everyone came into the classroom. I was doing my work and  I could tell Andy kept looking at me. God I love teasing him 

Author's NOTE!:

Wow 2 updates in one day, I'm doing well haha. So this chapter was a little dirtier than normal. 

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