The Endgame (And Epilogue :3)

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I watched a shadow enter the room out of nowhere. He then appeared.

"Ready for our endgame now aren't we?" He said tugging at his sleeve a little.

"Is this a game of chess now?..." I asked.

"My dear sister... It always has been." He smiled sweetly.

I clenched my teeth. "I'm sorry it has to be this way."

"Me too." He pointed a finger at me.

I felt a rush of wind and jumped up materializing my sword.

I heard something crack. And that when I looked behind me when I descended. A wall had an opaque knife stuck in it.

I shivered. I then snapped back into focus. I sent a barrage of sword bolts at him like before.

He quickly went out of the way and attacked me with green blasts of light. The armor didn't reflect it completely but the impact pushed me against the wall.

I sent my own blast at him. Like the many times I did when attacking someone. He reflected it with a long cane that came out of nowhere.

I growled and decided to bring this one head on. I swung my sword at him and he esily defected it as if his cane was a sword. He moved expertly and with grace.

I used my telekinesis on him and slammed him on the floor. I heard the sound of broken bones.

He just stood up and smiled. The maniacal insane one. He lifted his hand up slowly and clones of me started coming out of nowhere.

They all looked exaclty like me. Just like I thought they would.

I whistled through my fingers. And the sound of rumbling footsteps filled and echoed all through the room.

Scipes and her army came out of nowhere. I levitated my sword ad hung on to it so I could fly up. I whistled again and I saw Sam look up.

He smirked and reported right beside me on top of one of his invisible platforms. "I found ya!"

"Yeah. Any sign of Pep?" I asked him slowly descending.

"No. Let's have a game of sword and shield for a while."

I nodded and took a quick glance at Flaubert who had a slightly puzzled face but mostly furious.

I smirked and went behind Sam. "Ready?"


We did that old tactic we did many times at the lab. I'd attack while he would also attack and shield.

It went on for a really long time. And then I panted. After a long time, it was getting tiring. I don't even see Pepper or Lacer. As in nowhere. Thats when all the fakes disappeared.

And everyone else did as well. It was just me.

"Sam?!" I asked the emptiness.

And that's when neon green cages came out of nowhere containing everyone.

I gasped. No. Not this again...

"A trade... Give me your amulet." He said hungrily.

"What?!- why... No!"

"No one has told me no and survived... Not even you. You loved games like this so you agreed."

"In exchange, I give you your friends... and my own amulet..." He said smiling plottingly. He held up his sapphire blue amulet that looked exactly like mine and both amulets began to glow.

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