Chapter Two

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Ryan could feel hell's holds on him at this very moment. Ever since Brendon announced that he was coming over, he'd been in such a frenzy. He wanted everything squeaky clean and perfect and he didn't want Brendon to think that he was just another messy teenage boy. Even though the chances of Brendon being gay was close to nothing — to Ryan, anyway — he couldn't help but dream. If there really was a special someone for anybody, he'd hope Brendon was his.

Brendon to him was the picturesque perfection in the most subtle-angelic way. He seemed so quiet but could talk his ear off all day. Ryan would admit that, yes, Brendon annoyed him at first but, yes, Brendon had grown on him. It was as if the younger boy was a vine growing on Ryan front perfect white walls — it wasn't intentional, but still very beautiful.

Ryan's heart swelled at the thought of Brendon and him being that connected. And for a moment, he was content with his thoughts. Until he remembered that Brendon was coming over in less than thirty minutes and he still hadn't chosen an outfit to wear.

Well, it was only his apartment. He could pick out the best pair of sweatpants he owns, that way he would look like he's at least decent. And a large hoodie, he didn't feel the need to get all slicked up. He'd realized that with Brendon he could be himself, unlike all of the elegant balls and luncheons and dinners Ryan's attended (courtesy of Mommy Lester's financial status) that required the most expensive upholstery they could find.

He felt like a real person for once, not some Ken doll.

But he couldn't hate Mommy Lester if he tried, she'd taken him in when he had no where else to go. If it wasn't for her, he'd probably be in a shitty public school in the middle of some remote town with no manners and respect. If anything he should thank Mommy Lester for disciplining him that way. He should thank her for turning down the offer to give him away to his mother.

His recurring flashbacks of his drunk father and heavily weeping mother were swept away when he heard knocks at the door where a smiling Brendon were waiting. Ryan couldn't help but return the warm smile as soon as he opened the door. It's been more than a month yet Brendon still has that effect on him. Ryan realizes that Brendon's doe-eyes and pink fluffy lips would always get to him and that the effect they had on him were everlasting.

Brendon seemed to always have that effect on him with his contagious smile and smooth hair, a little bit long for a boy but it suited him anyway. Swooning was not an option at this moment, not when Brendon was standing in front of him in an expensive looking hoodie and black skinny jeans with the roses in his hand. The younger boy giggles giddily and thrusts his arms outward, gesturing for Ryan to take the roses.

Ryan blushed deeply and took the roses from Brendon, slouching and muttering a 'come in' while walking towards an empty vase in the middle of his table. Before Brendon came in, he looked at the wilting daisies they held and promised to get some flowers later on. He shook his head, still smiling. He put the newly acquired roses in the small intricately designed object and looked behind him at Brendon who had decided to take a seat on the big couch in the middle of the living area.

Ryan sat next to him, leaving a comfortable enough space. Brendon moves over closer to the older boy, laying his head on his lap as he kicks off his shoes which have landed themselves on the hardwood floor next to the couch. He sighs and closes his eyes as he takes Ryan's hand from next to him, lacing their fingers together. He smiles up Ryan, placing a small kiss on his hand. "This — this is alright? Is this okay?" Brendon asked a little breathily.

Ryan's voice almost failed to compromise at that point. It almost wanted to die out and wilt away, but he somehow mustered up the courage to say, "yeah, this is fine" and continue smiling down at the beautiful boy in his lap. "Why did you want to come over?"

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