Coming Out

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Well well well, I think it's time I tell y'all the story of how I came out to my dad and stepmom, well ex stepmom. Anyway it's a pretty funny story and it's not like your normal coming out stories, that have drama or heartfelt moments. No it's a funny story and since I have such an awesome relationship with my dad, he made a awkward situation less awkward. Well maybe, I still have yet to decide on that, ok onto the story.

So me and Jakob have been together for about six months. No we weren't secret dating, his family knew and basically everyone at school. (That's another story to tell later.) I just hadn't told my dad that I'm gay and we were dating. It wasn't that I was scared, because he was cool with Jakob and had no problem. It's just you get to thinking in your head that what if he isn't cool about you being gay.

So I kept putting it off until I found the right time to tell him. However I never did find the time to tell him. Before any of you ask, yes Jakob knew I was putting it off but he didn't rush me because he knew how my mother was and that I valued my dads opinion.

So one day me and Jakob were in the living room of my house just watching movies (horror ones btw) and well for you who don't know, Jakob hates horror movies, so he spends most of his time covering his eyes and holding on to me. Which of course I don't mind one bit. So after the movie we start to do what couples do when their in love. (Yes kids you wait until your in love to do does things now.)

I'm going to tell you right now, my mistake was not moving to my room but well I'm a teenage boy. I don't always think with the right head, so we are there on the couch doing what couples in love do. (Yes that's all I'm going to say, I will not say what we were doing!) both of us lost in the moment and bam my dad walks into the living room with my ex stepmom.

By the time we noticed them, we were in a bit of an awkward situation. So Jakob gets up and runs out of the room, which I was pretty impressed. That boy doesn't like to run but I have never seen him move that fast before. So he leaves me there to face my dad, who has this look of shock on his face.

I'm there fixing my clothes, which is hard if you know what I mean. So I tell my dad, "um yeah" fixing shirt over awkward boner that doesn't seem to want to go away. "Um yeah I was going to tell you but just never got around to it. I'm gay and Jakob and I have been dating for the last six months."

So I'm there waiting for my dad to say something, until finally he says something. He looks to my ex stepmom and drops his keys on the side table. "Told you they were dating," he said as he stuck he hand out and my ex stepmom handed him fifty bucks.

I'm there standing looking at him in disbelief. "You two were betting on if we were dating?"

"Well yeah and then we betting on how long it would take you to come out."

"But how did you know?"

"Oh Ivan your my son, you would t think I would notice a change in your behavior?" I shook my head, still was having a hard to processing all this. "Well you were acting like a love sick teen, but you were only ever with Jakob so I put two and two together. Also I over heard you on the phone with Jakob too." He just smiled.

"And here I was trying to find the right time to tell you and you already knew. Why didn't you just tell me you knew?"

"Where's the fun in that, besides it's your job to come out and not have someone else do it for you."

"Well you could have saved me from an awkward situations."

"I know but at least now you have a funny story to tell your kids." He laughs and slaps me on the back. "By the way you should check on your boyfriend." Yes after that if was a while before Jakob could even look at my dad in the face.

So there you have it, my coming out story. So I hope y'all had a good laugh, until next story time! By the way I wonder how many Grammar Nazi's I piss off with my bad grammar and yes I do it on purpose!

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