chapter 4

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I walk into chicken express with my mom trailing behind me, obviously still tired. She walks up to the woman at the cash register so she can order.

I sit in a chair while my mom orders our food. I reach for the pocket with my phone in it and see that it's 8:31. I unlock my phone and click on Facebook. I'm too curious not to look at Kelly's page.

I type in the name "Kelly Oubre Jr" and his is the first to come up. I click the name to see his profile picture, which by the way was very pleasing to look at. I scroll down his feed and see pictures of him and his mom Tonya.

I push my finger up a little more to see a status that reads,

"I'm tired of being single 😩"


I laugh silently at the thought.

Couldn't he have anyone he wanted? I mean he plays basketball, 6'7, and is hot. He Lowkey seems like a player type though.

"Let's go." My mom says looking a little less tired.


*Alarm buzzing*

I wake up with the sound of an annoying alarm clock in my ear. I slam my hand on the off button, and laid back down to wonder if my education was even worth it at this point.

I'm so tired.

I slowly get out of bed, and haul my feet towards my bathroom and see a messy haired Kylah looking back at me in the mirror. I take my hair out of the braids they were previously in and think about different styles I'd like to do with my hair today. I decide to just leave it down.

As I'm fixing my now straightened hair, my phone buzzes and a text message with Leslie's name pops up on the screen.

I'll answer it after I'm done brushing my teeth.

Once I'm done with my hair, I pick up my toothbrush along with my toothpaste. I squirt enough to where it fills the top, and start brushing my teeth.

Still scrubbing the teeth in my mouth, when my phone buzzes again with Leslie's name popping up once more.

I spit the minty paste out into the sink, turning on the faucet to let water chase it down the drain. I pick up a towel and wipe my mouth dry with it.

I take my phone in hand, sliding Leslie's name across the screen.

Leslie: Hey can you pick me up ?
            Hello ?
Me: Yeah, sorry I didn't reply I was brushing my teeth.

Within 2 minutes of me sending the text, Leslie sends me a text asking when to be ready.

Me: Be ready in 45 mins, Okay ?

Leslie: Okay, see ya.

I close my phone, then set it down on my bathroom counter. I headed into my closet to see what outfit I was to wear today. I decided on some ripped black jeans, a white T-shirt, an Adidas jacket, and all black shoes.

I grab my backpack, charger, and car keys, then begin to walk out of my bedroom door.
Right when I exit my room I see Violet, my dog, sitting there waiting to watch me leave like she does every day.

I love Violet so much. I've had her since I was 8, and now i'm 16. She's helped me with everything, emotionally and physically. If it's just me crying, to me trying to defend myself she's always been there. I even remember once when my house was broken into, she protected me and scared the robber away. If it wasn't for her, I don't think life would be as good as it is right now. Even if things were bad, she'd still brighten up my day.

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