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With a blip, dragon and higher being materialize in a milky abyss.

<You can open your eyes now, Ra,> Karoli assured. <We're here.> Ra did as he was told, and took a step back.

The only two things in this place were Ra and Karoli surrounded in vast white. "Where are we?" Ra asked. <You should also say 'When are we' because that's a factor too.> Karoli lectured.

It still wasn't settling with Ra that she's talking without moving her mouth. <Also, stop looking at me like that. It's weird...> she said, offended. She noticed, Ra thought. "I... just... won't look at you when you talk until I get used to this... y'know," <Not a problem. Creatures say things like that all the time. > She smiled.

<So if you're going to let your true self show, you're going to need training. Luckily I can help you.> She sat down in front of Ra. <First of all, your genetics are more special than you think. You can fly better than you friend- Krispy, was it?- could ever. Did you notice that?>

Ra replied, "First of all, his name is Kriole. Second, the queen instructed all dragons with special genes to not boast about it or act special. You can not deny the queen." <True, but now you are under me. I tell you to let it show.> There was a long pause. Karoli winked. Her eyes are a strong and focused turquoise.

"True." Ra agreed. <That's right. Good. Now do you remember the nursery tale about the Igneous dragons?>

Ra pondered a moment. "Yes, I may have heard that name before. What is it again?"

Karoli smiled again. <Igneous dragons were a very powerful tribe that hade power over a great land mass. They ruled from the Mountains of Far to the forest I found you in. They are red and shiny black- usually- and they could breath fire.>

That clicked in Ra. "Oh, yes, I remember now. Kriole kept saying he was a decendent of that tribe."

<You both are. In fact, your entire tribe is decended from them. This tribe's downfall was triggered by a breading program gone wrong. A Physic dragon thought the tribe would be made stronger if they bred with the Mud Tribe. This was supposed to make the Igneous' hold their breath for longer and have claws that could tunnel through rock. It worked- obviously- but laziness, dumbness, and lack of flight was also passed down. By the time one of these 'hybrids' took the throne, they were overthrown by the Obsidian tribe. The Igneous' were disbanded, and no dragon knows what become of them. Except me. Except I failed the dragon transformation, so I guess I'm not a dragon... Meh...>

Ra just stood there with his mouth open.

"So... That's where our tribe comes from. We're the de-evolved decendents of the Igneous tribe," he stated. <That's right.> Ra pondered a moment. "So that's why Kriole is red, and I have wings. We are a less-de-evolved version of the Igneous tribe."

Karoli was pleased. <That's right. This means, if you dig deep and let me mess your genes a little so you get a few more Igneous traits, you, Kriole, and probably a few other dragons can easily take the throne from Boneshifter.>

"Queen Boneshifter is a powerful and caring queen. She's good for this tribe. Why would we want to overthrow her?"

<Listen to your head, Ra, not your peers. Boneshifter is getting old, although not cranky. She is lying about many things. Take, for example, the food crisis. She's making it look like the tribe has food by giving her personal food to the tribe.>

"That's a far-fetched theory by a dragon who did not want her to be queen!" Ra retaliated.

<He was telling the truth the whole time. If nobody figured it out, I would have told someone. That's why I asked if you knew me.> Karoli clarified. <Boneshifter is not long for this world. She will be gone within a year, and someone must replace her. Now I have four tests for you to see what type of Igneous Dragon you are decended from.>

"Wait. Why do you think I can stay here? I have a tribe to feed! You said it yourself, we are in a state of crisis! You think I'd stay and do these "tests" with you when dragons could be dying?!?!" Ra shouted. Like the Queen said, "Tribe first. Outside later." he thought.

<And this is why I told you to ask, 'when are we' because you wouldn't be saying this, and you would know that your tribe is in no danger. Where we stand- er, float, I suppose- there is no time. We are in-between space and... To put it in your words, not-space. If you are more of an Author-type-dragon, you could morph this dimension into anything.> To show that she knew what she was talking about, she drifted next to Ra and flung out her paw. The milky abyss in front of them was now the same turquoise as Karoli's eyes. <This is so very simple to learn, if you don't already know it. This is your first test.>

Ra's BetrayalOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz