Murder in the house

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     They were at it again, your parents fighting. You still remembered the good'old times BEFORE "that" happened. Scene then, they'd abused you scene, which was about...let's see....your now 15 and your "parents" been abusing scene you were.....9? Yeah 9 so that means they've been abusing you for.....6 or 7 years.
     And thank good you disided to leave for GOOD. You and one of your only bffs, Kimi, have  been looking for an house that was for sale, and to your luck you found one not to far from hers!
     Now here you are, packing what you had left in your backpack. (Kimi, Carlson, and you already moved all your other stuff to the new house) you put your backpack next you and layed down on the floor, you waited. Just as you were going to get up, you heard your fathers scream and a crash. Your multi colored eyes snapped to the door. You knew what happened, and you knew what was GOING to happen if you didn't get out of here fast!
     You got up, ran to the door and locked it, just in time too! Cause as soon as you locked it, your "mother" started to bang on the door.
     "YOU PIECE OF SHIT! YOU BETTER UNLOCK THIS DOOR OR YOU'LL END UP LIKE YOUR FATHER!!" She screamed. You knew if you did you would end up like him ether way. SO YOU grabbed you backpack, the rock underneath it, and chucked the rock at the window.


You then put on you backpack and jumped out of your Window and ran to the park where you'll meet up with Kimi. She didn't even bother to chase you but just say really mean things while you just cryed while running,morning your fathers death. Your father still loved you and didn't do what your mother did to you.
     About two hours later you finally find Kimi, and as soon as you did, you ran to her and cryed your eyes out. She just hug you, saying nice and soft things, while walking to her house so you can spend the night.

So did you like the first chapter? You can leave suggestions if you want! I'll try to get to them and update daily! But with me started junior hight for school I might not be able to update but I'll still try! So see you later my music notes! And remember, stay determend! Sorry I can't spell. X3.

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