naming time!

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     9.....9 FREAKING kittens! Now that's a lot of cats. Not only that, but they looked JUST like your favorite skeletons from the difference Undertale AUs. And to make it more weird, all of them were staring at you. You suddenly felt awkward.
     "Ooooook....I don't know who in the universe would send me cats....but at least I won't be alone!" You said to your self as you looked at the cats.
     They were different colors, like their eyes....just like decided to pick one of them up, you didn't look as you were picking out the first one to be plucked from the box. So it made it more interesting when you reached in. Some if them hissed and moved away while some just moved, one even try to swat at you. Then you pulled one out of the box, and you looked at the cat you picked to be plucked first.
     They were white with little black spots like paint splashs on them, they had a yellow stare eye for there left eye, while they had a normal blue eye for the right, he had a scarf on, and he had a paint brush on his back! You found that to be cute.
     "Well, you are one cute looking cat!" You said to the cat, the cat responded with a rainbow blush. So cute!!! Wait can cats even blush? And why is it rainbow?!? Eh, I'll not question it. You thought to your self.
     "Now!," you said gaining all the cats attention," what should I call you....." now it was your turn to blush. You just realized that you didn't know if the cat in your hands was a girl or a'll have to check...won't you? Uh uh, I'll just ask! It's not like they'll answer me. You thought to your self.
     "Ok," you said, once again gaining tge attention if the cats, mostly the one in your hands," so, are you a boy ir girl?" The cat looked surprised, but tried to figure out how to answer. "How bout this, two mew for girl, one mews for boy!" You said," so kitten-in-my-hands, are you a boy or a girl?"
     "Mew," the cat responded. You had a look of relief, knowing that the cats can understand and answer.
     "Good to know, now I shall name you! Let us see....hmmm, you shall be named, painter!" You said while lifting the newly named cat named painter in the process. The cat looked surprised and relieved. You put painter down to your right on the couch as you went to pick another cat to be plucked from the box tree.
     Your hand brushing against fur and cloth(?) Told you that you had a cat with in your grasp. You picked up the cat so you could look at them. This one was about the smallest of all, they had pure white fur, and they even had a full on scientists sute on and everything! They also had red glasses around there neck. Their eyes were pitch black with white pupils...somehow you should be scared but your not.
     "Well hi there cutie!" You said to the cat/kitten. They responded the same way painter did, only this time, the blush was blue.
     " boy or ye girl?" You asked.
     "Meow" they answer.
     " now I shall name you!" The cat became nervous? Hmm oh well.
     "You shall be! Since you look like one," you said as you placed the cat down to your left.
The cat looked a bit annoyed. You reached in once again to be meet with cloth again, so you picked it up and was meet with a surprised cat face. Oooooooh, this on looked like death! You looked at his pure black eyes as he stared at you.
     "DEATH!!!!!" You yelled. The cats were surprised by the yell that some of them fell over." I am calling you death! Girl/boy or not, that shall be your name!" You said as you placed him in your lap.

~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip!!~~~~~~~~~~~
After naming all of the new kittens, you decided to go to bed since it was getting pretty late. "Well!" You said getting the cats full attention on you," I'ma head to bed, you little putodeis don't break anything or burn the house!" And with that you went to your one true love.....the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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