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Bryanah's P.O.V

We fell asleep pretty quickly, and actually slept until the next day. It's now 6 a.m, and Gabe was still asleep.

Apparently helping me really tired him out. Which made me feel really bad and selfish. I'm not sure if we're totally good right now, probably not.

But, I want to try. Maybe start out as a couple that just met. I don't know anything about Gabriel, I only kissed him once, and we never really touch each other.

Hopefully it will all change.

I don't want to get out of bed just yet. Gabriel had an tight grip on my waist, and I was laying on top of him.

Litteraly, my whole body was on top of him whilst our legs were tangled with eachother.  It felt nice, his hard chest not uncomfortable at all.

I tried to wiggle myself out of his arms, which only resulted with me falling next to him and his grip to tighten. My wolf is practically purring in delight. I forgot how nice it is for her and for me to be so close to our mate.

The one who saved us.

I sighed, thinking how I could get out of his arms to go to the bathroom. I am way too awake to be able to get back to sleep. And I need to pee.

Taking an deep breath, I tried to wiggle myself out of his arms again, this time with succes.

As I sat on the edge of the bed to catch my breath, an hand grabbed my arm.

"Come back, what are you doing?" Gabe his voice sounded tired, low and husky and full of sleep.

"Go back to sleep, I med to use the bathroom." I whispered. Gabriel had his eyes still closed, his grip on my arm not firm at all. Obviously he is still very tired.

"Okay." He mumbled before letting go of me and snuggling back into his pillow.
I chuckled, standing up and going to the bathroom. After I did my business and made sure my hair didn't look like a bird nest anymore, I was ready to go downstairs for some breakfast.

I almost opened the door, but Gabriel his voice interupted me again.

"You aren't going downstairs dressed like that." I turned around towards him, seeing that he was still lying down with his eyes closed.

"You can't even see me, how do you know what I'm wearing?" I chuckled, making a smile creep on his face.

"I haven't heard you change, and I remember what you were wearing yesterday. Therefore, you aren't going downstairs in what you were wearing yesterday." My mouth was open.

I did not expect him to observe me as much as he did. I honestly thought that he was just going back to sleep again.

"Oh, so you're keeping an eye on me now?" I jokingly said.

"Well I kind off have an reason to." He spoke, making the smile fall off my face.

I wasn't sure how to respond to that.
I mean, can you even respond to that?

"Clearly." I said, and then turned to the closet to find some pants.

"Bryanah, I didn't mean it like that." He sighed, sitting up and staring at me with those piercing eyes.

"No no I'm sure you're right. After all, I did never listen to you, right?" I turned around towards him after putting some joggings on.
"I'm going to have breakfast now. I'll see you later." I walked out of the room before he could get another word in.

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