Chapter 1: Sick Bucky

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Cap!Steve/Non-Winter Soldier!Bucky
Modern time

As soon as Bucky walks in the door to the apartment, Steve knows something's wrong. Bucky's shoulders are drooping instead of being pushed back with confidence. His eyes look heavy and his cheeks are flushed. Steve is actually afraid that he might collapse.

"Bucky, what's going on? Are you alright?"

Bucky instantly perks up, trying to make himself look less dead. He smiles, charmingly, as he always does.

"Completely fine, Stevie. I'm just a bit tired is all."

Steve doesn't believe him, but he accepts the statement.

"Well let's make dinner, and then we can watch a movie, okay?" Steve suggests.

The smaller of the two curls in on himself at the idea of eating. He swallows forcefully and says, "Yeah, doll. Dinner sounds... Nice."

Steve nods happily and goes to fix some dinner for himself and his lover. When he is finished, he plates the grilled cheese sandwiches and brings them out to the living area. He finds Bucky curled up on the couch, snoring softly. He smiles at the sight, but his lips quickly move downwards when he realizes his boyfriend is shivering.

Steve places the sandwiches on the coffee table to his right and scoops Bucky into his lap. He can feel the heat radiating off his body. His poor baby is now quite obviously ill and didn't want to tell him. Steve huffs and eats his sandwich, waiting for Bucky to stir. When he does, it has unfortunate consequences. Bucky is surprised at the physical contact he is receiving from Steve. Sure, they cuddle like that all the time, but Bucky didn't even know he had fallen asleep. That combined with the haziness from the fever caused Bucky to stand abruptly.

"Buck, it's just me, baby. You fell asleep," Steve tries to explain while pulling Bucky back into him.

Bucky collapses into Steve and into the couch when his legs give out from under him. Obviously his hero of a boyfriend catches him and starts petting his hair softly.

"Sweetheart, I know you're sick. Please let me take care of you."

Bucky is too ill to protest at this point. He just curl into Steve with and sigh of, "M'kay, Stevie."

Steve shakes his head, worriedly. Bucky must be really out of it. He always gets upset when Steve tried to do stuff for him. He got snippy or cranky, unless it was in bed. Bucky was happy to let Steve take care of him in bed. Steve shakes the thoughts out of his head. Your boyfriend is obviously extremely ill. Do not think about bedding him, you dick.

"Bucky, can you tell me what doesn't feel well?"

"My stomach, m-my head, and my throat. Oh, Steve, my throat," Bucky whines lowly, nuzzling his face in Steve's tummy.

Steve twirls the baby hairs at the base of Bucky's skull, and then make his move to get up and get Bucky some medicine to help get rid of the fever he knows that his darling has.

"No, Stevie, please don't leave me. You can't. Please, you can't."

Steve has never heard such urgency in his voice before. He was shocked by these words and the tone they were said in.

"Baby, you're really sick. I need to get you some meds from the bathroom, okay? You can come with me if you want," Steve says hesitantly, knowing he will have to carry Bucky there with him.

"Yes, I'll go."

Bucky gets up first, but Steve gets up faster. He quickly grabs the brunette's waist and leads him slowly to the bathroom, where he gets Bucky to down some ibuprofen.

This time around Steve has to pick Bucky up and carry him. Bucky is mumbling over and over, "imfineimfineimfine."

It scares Steve so much that he's this gone. He hasn't taken his temperature yet. He's so, so nervous. If Bucky is this out of it, it's clearly high. Steve sets Bucky down on the couch and puts a wet rag on his forehead.

"I'm gonna take your temp, okay poptart?"

Bucky stops speaking very suddenly and looks at Steve.

"Stevie, I'm so tired. I want to sleep, but I can't without you. I love you so much. I need you. I wouldn't be here without you," Bucky rambles.

"Baby, baby shh. I love you, too. I'm gonna take your temp, and then we can cuddle you to sleep. Oh darling, you're my everything. Just give me a second."

Steve has never moved so fast. He grabs the thermometer and gestures at Bucky to open his mouth, which he does.

104.3, Steve's poor baby.

"Okay, okay poptart. Let's sleep. We'll see if your fever breaks when we wake up, but if not, we are going to the doctor."

"No no no."

"Only if your fever doesn't break. I promise."

Bucky seems to be at ease after Steve punctuates that sentence with a kiss on his cheek. Steve wraps his arms around Bucky and brings him to bed where they fall asleep.

When they wake up, Bucky's fever has broken.

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