Prompts: Part 2

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A/N: Y'all know the drill, school, family, and shit gets in the way. Here's more of the prompts. I hope you like them. 

"Here. Let's share the blanket."  

It's movie night in the avengers tower. They were all comfortably snuggled on the couch. Tony was next to Pepper, Clint and Natasha were snuggled by them, and Bucky and Steve were snuggled in their own love seat. The rest of the avengers were on vacation, or working on something else. As soon as the movie started, Bucky got goosebumps. Not the kind of goosebumps that Steve gave him when he dragged his lips down his neck. These are the kinds of goosebumps that feel like little icicles in his hair follicles. He can't help that he starts shivering. He can't help staring at the fluffy blue blanket covering Steve's legs. Steve notices him staring and shivering and giggles a little bit. 

"Baby? Are you cold? Here. Let's share the blanket.

Bucky snuggles into the blanket and Steve, gratefully.

"No- just. I really like you in my clothes."

Bucky was dancing in the kitchen, wearing Steve's favorite dark grey button up. It falls to his mid thigh and just covers his bottom. It smells like Steve, and it's so comfy. He's cooking him and Steve some breakfast, eggs, sausage, and toast. It's almost ready when he feels eyes on him. He becomes self conscious immediately. He turns around and sees Steve, shirtless, in only his dress pants.  

"Oh Stevie, I'm sorry! I'm wearing your favorite dress shirt. I had no idea you had business today. I'll take it off right away!" 

"No-just. I really like you in my clothes. I'll find another shirt, baby."

"Oh okay. I, um, made us breakfast." 

"Thank you, beautiful. It smells delicious." 

"Wait. Don't pull away...not yet." 

Steve was about to leave for a two week mission, and Bucky is going to miss him so much. He hates watching Steve pack his bags. He hates watching the stress wrinkles in his forehead get more prominent. He hates when Steve leaves. 

"Alright baby. I have to get going. Give me a hug." 

Bucky throws himself into Steve's arms. They sit there for a few minutes. Bucky just soaking up Steve's warmth. 

"Baby, I have to go." 

Buck feels his eyes get wet.

"Wait. Don't pull away...not yet."  

"What's going on?" Steve asks. 

"Nothing. I'm just...really gonna miss you." 

"I'm gonna miss you, too, sweetheart. It's only two weeks. We might even get lucky, and it will get cut short." 

"Yeah, yeah you're right, Stevie. I'm going to be fine. Just get home as soon as you can, okay?" 

Steve kisses the shorter man's forehead and grabs his bags. 

"Two weeks, baby doll," Steve reassures. 

"Two weeks." 

"You're supposed to hate me for what I did."

Steve was having a bad day. He was laying in his and Bucky's bed, wrapped in five blankets and still shivering. He gets really cold on bad days. Bucky is trying to keep him company, making him tea, feeding him small bites of sandwiches. Steve hasn't said much today. He usually doesn't on days like these. 

"You're supposed to hate me for what I did," Steve whispered. 

"Woah, woah, what are you talking about Stevie?" 

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