Chapter 5: Happy Angstgiving

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Post Serum!
Happy Holidays, lovelies!! So sorry that this is very short, but it's something. It's got a lil bit of belly worship for anyone that's interested (aka me). Enjoy!

Thanksgiving was Bucky's 3rd favorite holiday right behind Christmas and Steve's birthday. He loved food, more specifically the food Steve made. God, Steve made so much food. He made a turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, biscuits, creamed corn, cranberry sauce, sweet potato casserole, and an apple pie. That's a lot for two of them, super solider or not. Bucky sat down at the table his eyes wide.

"Do you think I made enough, Buck?"

Bucky let's out a laugh at Steve's irrational concern.

"Baby doll, you made plenty."

Steve's cheeks flush pink, still not use to the nicknames. He takes off his apron, folding it up, and he set it on the counter. Steve sat across from Bucky and plates his food. Bucky did the same and began eating. Each bite of food caused Bucky to moan in pleasure. It was all so good. He ate so much.

Bucky ate so much. His tummy was protruding and rumbling. Steve had offered to clean the kitchen when he saw his husband looking so pretty and full.

Bucky sat on their couch, metal arm thrown across him stomach, and flesh and bone arm thrown across his forehead.

Bucky began to feel wrong. His stomach looked so large. He had to have put on at least 20 pounds since joining The Avengers. That was so much. He was gaining so much weight, and Steve was staying the same, his beautiful slender waist, broad shouldered self.

Bucky didn't even notice the dip in the couch as Steve sat next to him.

"You in your head, baby?"

Bucky sighed. Fuck Steve for always knowing when he needed him.

"Yeah, Stevie, just thinking."

"Wanna talk?"

Bucky shook his head at first. Steve didn't need to know about his inner demons.

"Come on, sweetheart. Nothing you say to me will make me love you any less."

Bucky put his head in his hands.

"I got fat, Steve," he mumbled.

"What was that, darling?"

"I'm fat!"

"Woah, woah. What brought this on?"

"Look at me. I've gained so much weight since I got back!"

"Bucky, you need that weight. They were tube feeding you. You were living off Lucky Charms and white bread. Nothing if wrong with your body. Understand?"

Bucky sucked in a breath.


"Good, now it's Thanksgiving. Let me show you how thankful I am for you and your sweet, soft belly."

Steve leaned in and kissed my Bucky's lips. Bucky wrapped his arms around Steve's neck. Steve wrapped one arm around Bucky's waist and placed the other on the brunette's soft tummy, running gently.

"I love you, my baby boy," Steve said into Bucky's lips.

"I love you, big guy."

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