Chapter One

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He felt this uneasy trouble. With his parents gone he felt like he had to take care of his own grades, health, and his pet along with helping his friends with the assassination. Sure he was able to manage with it but he had days where he would faint once he was at home. Or sometimes he would get sick. But he still managed to take care of it all while acting like nothing was wrong.

    “Ugh…. Another fever…” Karma looked up at the thermometer and sighed as he laid back on his couch. “Might as well skip today..” He suggested to himself. He didn’t really need to text Isogai or Nagisa about it. It was none of their business. He looked out the window, staring at the rainy clouds. He felt himself getting sick even more and ran to the bathroom. He threw up and his eyes widened as he realized he didn’t eat but he threw up. “What the hell…?” His hands were ice cold but he was sweating up a storm. He laid back on the couch before putting the thick blanket over him, making him stop shivering. He turned on the TV, not bothering to watch it but instead drifting off to his thoughts. He knew this had been going on for a while and kept his act up and running, pretending to be perfectly fine. But he wasn’t. He got sick some days and felt drowsy. On other days he felt fine. He felt something nudge his hand. He looked down and saw his cat Mouse. A little white kitty who’s been with him for at least a week. His parents gave it to him and left. The cat looked at the screen, making him look up. His face became flustered as he saw two guys making out on TV. He hid his face in the pillow, scared that he would get turned on from it. He groaned as he felt sickness took over again but that image of the two making out on TV was burned to his mind. But instead he imagined the guy he liked and himself making out. “Why now…?” He asked himself. Mouse meowed in a response, almost like a only you. He shivered again. “Mouse, why do I like him again?” Karma asked, knowing he would not get a response.

He decided to watch the show. He had nothing else to do and it took his mind off his sickness. When he fell asleep, the whole movie played in his head about the main character had a problem with his parents and went to his friend’s house and it went from there. When he woke up it was late. How long was I out? He thought, sitting up already feeling better. He saw the TV turned off and noticed his cat was right next to the remote. He chuckled. “Such a silly cat.” He stood up and went to get some soup out of the cabinet. He put in the pot and turned on the stove, letting it boil. He drifted off to his thoughts again. I wonder how Nagisa is doing. Maybe I should text him. He shook his head after the thought. No, better not. He would ask why I’m out of school again. He put the soup in a bowl and quietly ate. He heard Mouse meowing over and over. “What’s wrong Mouse?” He asked, standing up to go see what was going on. He grabbed a knife and a gun for safety. He walked quietly into the room. He heard Mouse screech and ran toward Karma. Karma looked up and there stood a man. “We got a cute little redhead.” The man smirked. Karma’s eyes widened as the man ran towards him with a huge brown sack. Without thinking, he had did something that he terribly regretted. Bang.

Red. Wet. Blood was splattered all over him. He had shot the man in the throat. The man fell with a thud. He started shaking. He had just killed a human being. At first he had thought he wouldn’t be this terrified, but he was wrong. He picked up his phone. He had to call someone. Anyone. He scrolled through his contacts, blood smearing across the screen. His eyes watered. He was crying. He was terrified. Who can I trust right now?!

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