Chapter 1

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                              can get through the day. she told herself while walking through the gates of the university. it was the first day in the university after the summer and a new academic year had begun, opening doors for many fresh and new students to start their journey on this new road of studies. aside from all the excitement, the one ting which all these 1st years dreaded, were the seniors, waiting for their pry, smiling widely with a wicked shine in their eyes. she was about to go quickly in the library when a laughing, wild group of seniors stopped her looking at her nervous posture from head to toe. "look who we have her", one tall girl in blonde hair said.Oops, we have trouble here. she said in her head. she liked talking to herself, especially if she couldn't say something out loud, in a  situation like this. "what is your name?" a curly haired guy asked her."i am Adeline, Adeline Cooper." she replied nervously, looking at all of them. they were almost 7 in number, 3 girls and 4 guys with  different colour complexions probably belonging to different areas of the world, she thought. some guy was about to say something to her when suddenly her phone rang. she took it out but a large strong muscular hand took it from her and answered.

  'Rude' she thought."Yes" the guy said gently, who has taken Adeline's phone"Can I speak to tiara please" the person on the other side asked, from his voice he sounded like in his 40's."She...." the guy frowned in confusion and said "She's not here""Ok! but if you see her, please convey my message, it's urgent" the person on the phone replied his voice held importance,with that he continued"Please tell her that her dad wants to see her, he does not have much time, he wants to talk to her about something and it's really urgent "The guy whom were holding Adeline's phone thinks that it's some random joke, played by some wrong caller...and he played along "Ok! I'll tell her THAT 'story', if you tell what he wants to talk about?" the guy had plastered amused and wicked smile on his face. He was now looking. at Adeline. She was frowning, trying to figure who's on the other side talking to the guy whom she had known nothing about."I can't tell you that. Please tell her to contact her dad soon." the person said from the other side. And the who's standing in front of Adeline and talking on her phone, his smile got widen and wicked. Said"I'm afraid I won't be able to do that,unless I know what I'm conveying. "   

  They guy played further. The number was not saved in Adeline cell phone. So Adeline was hell curious what was going on.She was not listening to girl in group were bubbling about her outfit and hairs. She was not that pretty, but wasn't ugly too.."Uh....." the person you on the decides to tell the guy or not unsure he just blurted out "Just tell her, Tell her two words....... Mystiko Diamante." the person replied with frustrating.All trace of humor from the guy's face who were holding Adeline's phone suddenly gone and he stood still. After cutting the line, he handed Adeline her phone back and said with a serious note in his tone, "Your father needs to talk to you, it's important, go and call him.""Hey, but we have some work for her to do." A girl with an Asian complexion and black hair said, gazing Adeline's face whom were gazing the guy's face with confusion."Natasha, Let her go!!" the guy ordered in strictly tone.Adeline stood there for a second watching the angelic devil, who had just saved her from a terrible ragging by his own gang. He was tall and muscular, with a fair complexion and light brown hair. His wicked eyes carried a tint of a brown colour in them and his ravishing style and enchanting ambiance told her that he was very popular here. After the second passed, she turned around and ran away, before he changed his mind to attack again or attract her.This couldn't happen, he thought while sitting in his study. The talk with that person on the phone had brought back a lot of stuff he didn't want to think about. Who was this girl and who was the person on the phone earlier he was talking to!!?He couldn't stop himself from asking all these questions. Did she even know what she was getting into? Or that she was part of all that? He so badly wanted to know about this matter, but afraid about that, that this might open some closed doors. So he decided to let himself be as far away from her personal matter as he can be and treat her like another junior.Completely ignoring be a better option for him, rather then mingling in whatever is going on in her life._____"Hey dad, how are you" Adeline said softly on the phone to her dad."I'm somewhat fine kiddo but this is not the time to talk about my fineness. I need to tell you something. Things that I've never told you before, but it's time you should know. " Marcus Winston replied in serious voice to his only daughter."Dad?" she asked her dad in confusion"What's going on?, and who called me earlier? ""Listen my child, you need to know what happened 20 years ago, check my stuff, find a blue file with D.D written on it, look inside you'll find a phone number. Call on that number and you will get all the help you need. You need to protect your self from them Dear, he'll help you. Call that number kid." Mr Winton was saying everything so quickly. He sounded so worried and breathless, like he had run a marathon or something."Who are 'they' dad? can I come over to see you? " Adeline didn't have the slightest idea what her dad was saying and why.she was started to get scared, her voice was so weak."They are the reason everything started at the first place and how the hell broken in our lives. I just need you to protect yourself baby. I know your brave girl. You can do it, just promise me, you'll protect yourself?"His dad sounded like he was about to cry and like just wanted her daughter to understand through his words. which doesn't make sense to her"From whom dad? please tell me, your scaring me dad. " she was crying at this point. she was hell confused.   

  "Mystik...." her dad started breathing fast and couldn't finish his sentence before his last breath. Adeline heard nurse and other people calling doctor but something in her heart drowned and knew her Dad was gone. Tears fell from her eyes and her breathing stopped. Grief and memories flooded through her senses and she fell on the floor of her room.After two days of constantly crying and grieving of her father's death and mourning, she had to come back to university. A lot of people came to her and consoled her, even the seniors and once it was announced in the assembly about her dad's death, everybody in the institute had come to her and said words to comfort her, except one person, whose absence she strongly felt, that angelic devil. Carter Recce saw that innocent and beautiful girl surrounded by group of console rs. He admired the effort she was putting in, to stop herself from crying. He really wanted to go and convey how sorry he was to hear about his dad, but this was not in his plan. The plan is to stay away from her, so he just looked her in the eye when she spotted him in the corner, and walked past her coldly, intending to not give her any hope of softness or friendship from him. A stinging pain went through her heart at such a cold response, especially she thought he would be kind to her, after their last interactive. But she guess she thought wrong.   

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