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Next day at university, there was an announcement that the mayor of the city will be delivering his speech after lunch time. Someone told Adeline that the mayor often came here and talked to the students and motivated them towards acquiring quality education and putting their part in the development of the country. Everyone in the institute was seen running here and there, trying to put everything in order, the all seemed upset and under pressure, everyone except the one person Adeline hated to see, Carter Reece, who was witnessed to be flirting with yet another girl from his batch, "why is he not worried? The mayor will be asking questions from almost everyone." Adeline asked Diana, who had just become friends with her. "Because aside from him being an extremely gorgeous dude, Carter also happens to be the nephew of the mayor." Diana explained looking at Carter and the brunette he was playing with.
Later that day everyone was ordered to come for the !mayor's speech in the main hall of the university. Adeline had spent most of her day in the library. The moment she stepped I side the hall, she spotted Carter standing with a bunch of boys, all seniors like him. She moved to the other corner of the hall and waited for the event to begin. Carter had see. Adeline but pretended not to notice her at all. He HD completely ignored her in all the times and this seemed pretty comfortable to him, he had never cared much about the people he Knew not. He was a man of honour , strengths , bravery and rules but had no interest in the matters of people who did not belong in his world. But the only thing which had his mind racing non-stop was, the relation of this girl with Mystiko Diamante, a name he had read somewhere a long time go, but somewhere dark and dangerous. The bell rang and a professor announced the arrival of the mayor. Benjamin Reece stepped forward in front of the dice and beamed at all the students. The mayor delivered his speech in his old fashioned way and motivated students to study hard and do everything fairly. After a long boring lecture of about 2 hours on fair and passionate work, mayor Reece ended his talk with an open invitation of a get together dinner to all the students and professors at his house, near white lake, a beautiful place with an enchanting and breath taking scenery to witness.
" Carter my son, how are you?" Benjamin Reece greeted his nephew while walking towards the gates of university. "I am good uncle and I hope you are doing well too" Carter replied back with a smile. "I would appreciate if you join us at the dinner at me place next week. It has been a long time since we had a family reunion" Benjamin Reece invited Carter personally. "I Wil be honoured to do so". Carter said, giving a light hug to his uncle, who then sat in his car and went away. Adeline was what thing him. She wanted to ask him something so she  started moving in his direction. Here comes the trouble again! Carter said in his heart, watching Adeline coming in his direction. "I don't care if you talk to me or not, but I need you to tell me, who was on the phone that day. When you snatched it and talked on my behalf?" She said bluntly. She was very angry on him due to his rude behavior. "There was man on the phone." Carter replied with mischievous smile. "I know that! What was his name? What else did he tell you to tell me?" She shouted. "He did not tel me his name but he told me to tell you that, you are very annoying!" Carter replied coldly. Adeline was so filled with rage and hurt that she felt moisture in her eyes.
Don't cry, don't cry, she forced herself by thinking loudly to not give him the satisfaction to see her break. She closed her hands in fists and strode away with watery eyes and a hurting heart. "Stop teasing the damsel Carter," Sam, who was Carter's group mate, Sid on approaching him. "It's too much fun to watch the drama." Carter replied with a laugh.

"The world does not see the injuries, it just enjoys the game......How someone plays it.....How either lose the game or beat the scrap out of all their opponents." Carter said to Adeline, when she was crying beside the fountain that evening after classes. No matter how cold and careless he was, he certainly did not wish to hurt a cute and innocent girl, who has not harmed him or anyone. But he was doing it only to prevent himself from the trap......trap of that darkness he had left many years ago. Adeline glanced up to see him standing beside the fountain, looking down at her. Rage overwhelmed her and she exploded with anger and pain, "like you beat the trap out of every single person who stands in your way, or wants to talk to you?" More tears fell from her eyes, yet she tried to control herself. She stood up to face him and he just watched her, with a loud silence and deep eyes. She appeared so vulnerable and fragile yet brave to him, standing in front of him, with falling tears, wet cheeks and tight fists but standing straight and bold. "Don't let the world, including me, hurt you." He said to her softly. "Haha, says the person who happens to have his uncle as the mayor of the city and who does not have the slightest worry or pain in the world! Forget it Carter." She said and strode away, leaving him staring at her departing self.
Carter was walking towards his home later that evening when a thought struck him, on the sight of Adeline and he started following her. The sky had become dark and she was going home from the library. Curiosity took over his senses and he kept following her, wanting to know what she knew about Mystiko Diamante and how she knew it. Adeline did not notice anyone around her, she was walking fast, listening to music on her ipad. They had just taken a U_turn when Carter sensed something weird around them. Someone else was following them too.............CONTINUED

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