An unexpected offer

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POV: Lucy

"oh my, oh my, oh my!" I am behind the scene, anxious as you can't imagine, while the orchestra is finishing playing, before I come in front of everyone. I am squeezing my violin so hard that it hurts my hand. I am trying to comfort myself mentally but this is impossible! Each time I have to play violin alone, I can't stay calm! I play the notes in my head, waiting for the music to stop, which doesn't calm me much. At least it stops. Or should I say, It already stops! Mad butterflies start fluttering in my stomach. I start climbing  the steps that lead to the scene. I try to look calm but I just want to explode! To yell as loud as I can! Instead, I show the public my most beautiful smile and I make my way to the place where I will play. the audience applaudes and some exchange a few words with their neighbors, surprised of my young age, compared to all the other violinists. On the front row, I can see Jane, Sandra and my parents, thumbs up to encourage me. Behind them, I can hardly see the other people, blinded by the powerful projectors. I wait for the silence to take place in the room to place my violin on my shoulder. I look at the conductor. When he makes me the sign, I start playing. The orchestra follows. I forget everything around me. There is only the conductor, my violin and I left.


At the end of this violin concerto from Bach, which was quite long, it's funny to say it, but I'm exhausted! The audience cheers wildly and the conductor congratulates me with a little nod. A wide smile illuminates my face. Jane got up and cheers as loud as she can, screaming over the croud so I can hear her. How funny she is! I've played quite well! It was not perfect, but it was better than I expected it to be! I have only made three tiny mistakes. I bow and make my way behind the scenes. Wow! I'm so exited! An adrenalin ball! I put my violin back into its case and jump into the air to release the extra energy.

After ten minutes, people start getting out of the concert hall. Jane, Sandra, Mom and Dad come to meet me.

      -"Hey there sis! That was really great! I would love to play harp as good as you play violin! And be able to make as many concerts as you do!

      -You always told me you didn't want to be famous!

      -That's true. But you are and you want to and that is the essential!"

We make our way to the car, in praise of my family and compliments of a few spectators that we come across.

"Excuse me miss Charter?"

I turn around, surprised to hear a voice I don't recognise speak to me.


In front of me stands a tall man. he must be around forty years old. He has well combed grey hair and wears an expensive costume. He looks like a businessman.

      -"I am Joffrey Bordus, director of a privet orchestra. The Quattrodecim Orchestra. Our soloist violinist left for retirement and when I heard you play this concerto I know by heart, I rediscovered it.

      -Thank you.

      -I am not joking! Would you like to join our orchestra as first violin? I am sure you are perfect for this!

      -Of course! But I must think about it.

Becoming a first violin in an orchestra! My dream! This is not a famous orchestra, in fact, I've never heard about them... But it is the beginning of a famous violinist career!!! I didn't know I was this good!

      -No problem! These are important decisions! Here is my card, call me as soon as you have a response!

I took the card he handed me.

      -Thank you mister... Bordus!

      -You're welcome miss. I must leave you now, I have a meeting. Goodbye!"

I looked at this man for a few moments. He made my dream come true! Then I turn around, on a cloud. I waited for this moment for so long!

                                        I'll go!

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