"You're so selfish!"

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I'm sitting in the nurse's office, a strap around my hand and an pack of ice on my jaw. I stopped crying but the pain is growing. Not physical pain, but a real heartbreak. I can't help thinking about Luis's words...

"You're so selfish!", "You step on other people!"

I know he's right, but I won't admit it, and that's the hardest part for me... he's in a small room next to the nurse's office, even though we're separated, knowing that he's so close to me is horrible. I can't believe I've been so stupid! I only have one real friend in the high-school and I don't even pay that much attention to her! I don't even know what her favorite animal is! I have never noticed that she sings super well and that her eyes are gorgeous! I always thought everything was turning around myself but there are so many rumors AGAINST me! And I'm so angry against myself because I needed to fight against someone to see it!

I am so pitiful.....

When the bell rings, announcing the end of the break, I get up in the same poor condition. I didn't listen to anything of the afternoon lessons and Luis's words are still in my head, just as to tell me: "you're crap Lucy!", "you're useless! A no-good! Just look at yourself! All you can do is play violin!", "You don't have any friend!" My head just feels like an eggplant that's been cooked too much. I pack my books in my bag and when I walk to the bus, the sound of my broken violin's pieces in my back make a teardrop roll down my cheek. He broke my reason to live. I know I can buy a new one, but this violin, I've lived so much with it! Meeting Lindsey was thanks to him! Lindsey... she's so strong. And I'm so weak...

As I hop off the bus, I drag myself to my house. As I get closer to my home, my pain disappears and as I realise that I'll have to tell everything to my parents, it changes into anger. I open the door, burst into the house and throw in my violin box. My sister who was there screams:

My mum arrives, panicked by the sound I made,
-Have you gone mad Lucy? Your violin! Do you know how much it cost us?
-Stop yelling like that! It's dead! In pieces!

And I tell them everything. As I get along in my story, tears roll down my cheeks so much that I'm soaking wet. I don't even speak, I scream, I yell! I'm so full of anger! But just as soon as I finish, I run upstairs before anyone can ask me questions and I get in my room. Alone.
Ten minutes later, the door opens delicately and Sandra pops her head in.

"Can I get in?"
And without waiting for my answer, she sits down on the bed next to me and holds me in her arms.
"Don't worry, I know how it feels too..."

I put my head on her shoulder and I think of the curent fights she participated in at high-school, and at all the bruises on her arms when she came back from school. That makes me laugh, imagining my sister, so sweet and delicate, fighting with a bunch of guys! And all these overs that broke her heart...

"I know"

hellooooooooooooooo everyone! here's a new chapter! I'll try to post everyday, (but I said I would TRYYYYYYYYYY) because I have a lot of work right now, but I really love this story and I would love to share it with you! so enjoy!

lots of love! (=°-°=)


Yours musically // Lindsey Stirling ♥Where stories live. Discover now