Rules and Form

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Okay guys here's the rules~

1.) Please try not to ship your OC with canon characters. You can have your OC have a crush on them, just don't say that they're dating.

2.) Speaking of canon characters, don't make your OC a canon characters sibling! Unless it's Oikawa because he canonly has a sister but she hasn't been shown yet. I'll only accept one of these btw.

3.) Try not to have everyone go to Karasuno. I know we love them and everything, but not everyone in Miyagi goes to Karasuno (Yes I know I was kind of hypocritical here but I apologize.) 

4.) Try not to do shipping rps in here. I just don't want shipping wars or something. If you want to do a ship rp with someone, please take it to DMs.

5.) Limes are allowed on here, just not lemons. Take lemons to DMs. I'll tell you if you're on the border of a lemon during a lime.

6.) Hate the character, not the person. Feel like this is common sense but I'll tell you guys anyway.


8.) Ask me if you want to rp a canon character.

9.) When filling out the form, please put it in one comment not a bunch of them. I find it kind of annoying and I'm sure other people do. ex: putting the name in one comment, the next part in another, then another part in another comment. Stop it.

10.) try not to do actions in these *. If you don't know how to RP any other way just tell me :). I used to RP like that so I get it.

11.) Have some males plz. Not all girls.

12.) Have fun!!


Here's the form. Also if you want to be canon character you should ask me and fill this out.

Full Name:

Nickname(s) (if not one don't bother putting this in):

Looks(Links are fine):





Manager or Player? (if your oc doesn't do either, don't putting this in):

(if player) Position:

Number(anything but 1-12 if on the Karasuno girls' team(or boys' team for that matter)):



Crush(if they don't have one don't bother putting this in):

Other(Just random shit you want people to know about your OC):


Here's two examples of what I want in the form

Name: Nori Yukimora.

Looks: She has shoulder length gray hair, and deep blue eyes covered by glasses. She's 5 feet and 6 inches or 167.5 cm.

Personality: She's fun to be around and a good friend. When she's on the court she becomes a different person though. She doesn't joke around or laugh, she takes everything seriously. She also has a big fear of failure. She has failed in the past so she's scared of it now.

Age: 17

Year: 3rd year

School: Karasuno

Manager or Player?: Player

Position: Setter

Number: 3

Likes: Mochi, volleyball, and hanging out with Sugawara.

Dislikes: Serving, her glasses, and Hoshi.

Other: She went to Kitagawa Daiichi, that's where she met Hoshi.

Name: Hoshi Yoshida

Nickname(s): Yoshi

Looks: Curly, shoulder length brown hair that she partly puts up and light green eyes. She's around 5 feet 9 inches or 175 cm.

Personality: Very confident, to the point where it's annoying. She is good at making people angry. She's more muscle than brain though, so she tends to solve her problems with force. She can be very compassionate at time though, but people don't bother to get to know this part of her because of how violent and rude she can be.

Age: 17

Year: 3rd year

School: Johzenji

Manager or Player?: Player

Position: Wing spiker

Number: 1

Likes: volleyball, her team,and little kids.

Dislikes: Nori, losing, and people holding others back from their true potential.

Other: She babysits on the weekends.

I'll put the rest of my OCs at a later date. For now here are the first two.

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