OC (Continued)

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Okay guys, I recently thought this hoe up so yea, please be kind to him.

Name: Oguri Kazunari

Nickname(s): Guri, Kazu

Looks: He has chin length, black hair with a fringe going all the way across and dark brown eyes. He's tall, standing at 6'4 or 193 cm. He also very thin though, being 10 pounds underweight 

Personality: Kazunari is a very careful person, so he tends to stay silent so he doesn't say something wrong. He'd rather tell someone a lie to make sure they aren't mad at him than tell them the truth, so he has a tendency to lie. He can read people decently well, being able to tell if they're mad or sad, basic stuff.

Age: 16

Year: 2nd year

School: Aoba Johsai

Manager or Player?: Manager

Likes: Watching Seijoh play, reading horror novels, and people with blue eyes(particularly, Kageyama's. He thinks his eyes are absolutely gorgeous.)

Dislikes: Wet socks(nobody likes this I hope), Loud people, people who don't really sugarcoat their words.

Other: His mother had blue eyes, that's why he loves them so much. His mother and father got a divorce though so he spends most of his time with his father.

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