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Author's Note: Hey, I'm back. SO sorry for the wait. Quick shout out to SilverHunter1; you voting for my story even though it only had the Author's Note, whether you meant it or it happened by accident, motivated me. Anyway, without further ado, here is the prologue. Enjoy!


Momonga's life changed the day the popular online game, Yggdrasil, was to be shut down.

On this fathful day, Momonga, signed into the game as his avatar, a [Skeletal Mage], entered the game to say a one last goodbye to his guild, Ains Ooal Gown, one of the most impenetrable fortresses in all of Yggdrasil, and a guild he, the Guild Master, and other members worked hard making the fortress what it was today. But the other members of Ains Ooal Gown hadn't come, and so he had been alone as the timer that counted down the hours, minutes, now seconds until the end of the game slowly counted down to zero.

But when the counter reached zero, the game didn't end. Instead, something completely different and spectacular happened.

Momonga, confused as to why the game seemed to still be running, opened his eyes to find that his conscious was now one with his avatar. After some events (one of which he DID NOT want ot mention ever), Momonga came to the conclusion that Yggdrasil had somehow turned into its own universe, and the NPC's of Ains Ooal Gown where no longer just NPC's anymore, for they were starting to develop emotions, and in contrast to them, since his avatar is undead, he no longer needed to eat, sleep, or drink fluids to sustain himself, along with the fact that his emotions were now suppressed greatly. Momonga was now the ruler of Ains Ooal Gown, and the guardians and other NPC's that protected it were now at his beck and call. He could take over the world if he wanted to, which was a plan already in motion. He had everything he could've ever wanted.

Despite this, however, Momonga, now known as Ains, felt as if something was missing. No, not something- someone.

This someone was a young women named Miyako Izumi, who had been a good friend of his, in game and IRL. Her avatar was a half-human, half-dragon breed known as [Masked Dragon]. A [Masked Dragon]'s strengths were in close combat and magic casting, which, to Ains, was a pretty good combination. Her avatar had a Japanese-like fox mask as her face, since there was a variety to choose from, and a long red and white kimono-like cloak/jacket over black clothing. Her dragon characteristics where the horns on her head, the large wings on her upper back, and her long tail. He had thought she was beautiful the moment he had met her, outside and inside. She had been shy some of the time, and even cold, but she was caring, funny, intelligent, and more.

He remembered the first time he had met her...


Momonga had been running all day.

It was one of his first days playing Yggdrasil, and it wasn't going well. He had already been killed three times by other, more experienced players, and had lost what little he had managed to collect. He had almost gotten himself killed a fourth time, had it not been for the warrior in white armor, who just so happened to like saving players in distress.

Eventually, Momonga made it to a neutral zone, which were small areas spread out in the world of Yggdrasil were no fighting was allowed, the latter resulting in a forced logout and a suspension from the game for a short period of time. As Momonga entered the clearing in the trees, which had a shed were NPC's were selling food and water, he saw one of the players who had killed him prior. Steering clear of him, Momonga decided to sit underneath a tree near the far side of the clearing and watch. He didn't have enough money to get something for himself, since, at such a low level, [Skeletal Mage]'s had hunger bars. He was lucky that his hunger was suppressed by his avatar's powers, but his hunger bar was pretty low.

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