Chapter 4: Under the Façade

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I am so so soooooo sorry for not updating in forever! I feel so bad. I can only hope this chapter will make up for my absence. Enjoy! ^.^

Ainz was silent still. He just could not form any words in the presence of Miyako, who looked as beautiful as ever.

As she got up and made her way to him, her long white and red cloak trailing behind her, and her Japanese fox mask shining silver in the light, he found himself in a sort of daze, which was abruptly ended when he felt La Muerte nudge him in the side. He blinked, and became fully aware that Miyako was now standing in front of him, a small smile adorning her face and an amused glint in her eyes.

"Thank you for coming, Lord Ainz. La Muerte, thank you. You are dismissed," The last two parts were directed to the being standing next to Ainz, who simply bowed, turned around, and left, the doors closing behind her.

Miyako looked Ainz over from head to toe. Ainz felt a little uncomfortable and turned his head slightly to the side. Miyako giggled quietly at this.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" She asked quietly, her giggles subsiding.

Ainz turned his head to look Miyako in the eye. "Yes, it certainly has."

Miyako gave him a sad smile, but before she could say anything else, the doors behind them opened once again, and five beings rushed into the room.

One of them, the tallest one and somehow obviously the leader, was a Birdwoman; she had a lithe frame with black feathers covering her body, sharp claws, and blood red eyes set into a sharp, narrow face, yet she had white angelic wings. Another was an Arachnoid; she had three red eyes with black pupils, a very voluptuous body, and large insect wings sprouting out of her back along with eight long spider legs. Another one of them had long, curving horns sprouting from her jet black hair, a voluptuous body as well, and demon wings sprouting from her lower back. Yet another had been a midnight black bat with red eyes, before turning into a tall, thin women with long white hair, red eyes with slits for pupils, and deathly pale skin. The last one had a hood over her head, and large, glowing white wings sprouted from her back. Ainz vaguely remembered Miyako bringing these beings up in a conversation they had had about her guild and their progress; he believed they were called the Valkyrie Maids.

"Valkyrie maids! What is it that you had to barge in for?" Miyako said calmly, yet loudly so that they could hear her from across the room, stepping out from behind Ainz's frame.

The Birdwoman walked forward and bowed along with the rest of the Valkyrie Maids. "We are terribly sorry for barging in on your discussion with Lord Ainz, Lady Izumi, but it is urgent."

"How urgent?" Miyako asked after they had risen.

"Lizzy urgent," The Birdwoman said.

Ainz was confused, but Miyako seemed to know what the Birdwoman was talking about, because she chuckled.

"Ah, Lizzy's gone and got herself lost again, hasn't she?"

"We cannot find her anywhere, and we believe she might have snuck into the Throne Room, the only place we haven't checked," The Birdwoman continued.

Miyako smiled gently, then, lifting her head up slightly and seemingly talking to no one, she shouted, "Lizzyra Azura Chamelo, I know you're in here!"

For a few moments, nothing happened. Then, Ainz noticed something shimmer on one of the many large branches of the tree-throne, and the next second part of the black tree and the air turned into a dragon.

From what Ainz knew about dragons, and from personal experience, he knew they were colossal creatures, but this one was incredibly small for a dragon, looking about as tall as Shalltear. He also knew that they were mainly dark, solid colors, but this one was a pale purple with orange fringing the edges of her wings, an emerald green coloring the ruff around her ears, and little, barely-noticeable-unless-you-looked-properly speckles of red spread about on her scales. He had never seen a dragon that looked so exotic.

The Other (An Overlord Ains x oc Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن