Chapter 2: What?

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Out of the corner of his eye, Ainz saw Sebas tense up, and immediately knew that he, too, had seen the ring on the being's finger. The being did not seem to be hostile, but he knew that Sebas was ready, should the feminine creature decide to attack.

"Lord Ainz," The being said, bowing her head as a show of respect. 'At least she knows who she is talking to,' Ainz thought as the being continued. "It is an honor to meet you. My name is Aries, and I come in peace."

Taking a step closer to the being known as Aries, Ainz finally spoke, saying "What is it that you have come to Ainz Ooal Gown for?"

"I am afraid that I cannot speak to you about it in this place," Aries said, lifting her head up to look into Ainz's face, "We must speak about it in private quarters. Alone," she finished, glancing at Sebas.

Ainz thought for a moment. What if Aries was going to try and kill him? 'Well,' he thought, 'that would be very foolish indeed'. The place was well protected by the floor guardians, and he himself was a force to be reckoned with. So his response was...

"Alright. We shall go to my business quarters for this talk."

Sebas obviously wasn't comfortable with this plan as he was, if his intense glare directed at Aries meant anything, but he didn't say anything on the matter, only saying "I shall return to my initial post," and walking away.

Ainz lifted up his hand and looked at his Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown. A second later, he found himself inside his business room.

The room was of medium size and shaped like a hexagon, with steel gray walls on all sides. The only thing of real importance was the large desk in the middle of the room.

The next second, Aries appeared in front of him. Ainz walked to the desk, sat down on the chair behind it, used his powers to summon another chair for Aries, and then gestured for Aries to sit down, which Aries did. Then, and only then, did Ainz speak.

"So, what is it that you would like to say to me?"

Aries was silent, and though her face remained emotionless, her eyes her steeled off, as if she were thinking carefully on what to say next.

"I was sent here," She began slowly, "By another player, come here from the game known as Yggdrasil."

Ainz almost leapt out of his seat. Someone from Yggdrasil was here, in the world it had become? How? He, of course, had always hoped to find one of his friends here, but now that he had had experience in this world, he was immediately on guard. If this was another player, then they could be extremely powerful, much like himself, and could be an enemy.

"Who is this player? Tell me!" Ainz almost shouted, me was so anxious. He needed to know.

Aries looked up, looked him straight in the eyes, and said "Lady Izumi. Or, to you, Miyako, Miyako Izumi."

Ainz was at a lost for anything. He couldn't say anything, couldn't even think of anything to say. Finally, all he managed to utter was this one word; "What?"

Miyako, his best friend (maybe even more than that), was here, in the world Yggdrasil had become? He almost couldn't believe it, but he didn't know whether to believe it or not.

"Yes," Aries continued, "She is here, and she is waiting for you. She wants to see you again, which is why she sent me here to find you and tell you to come see her."

Ainz was still in so much shock, he didn't say anything for a while. Finally, he said, "You're lying."

For the first time since he had met her, Aries gave him a small smile. "If I were lying then why would I have this?" She lifted up her other hand, and on her ring finger, was a silver ring with a purple gem on it. The Ring of Nowg Laoo Snia.

If skeletons could cry, Ainz was sure he would be bawling his eyes out, but since skeletons couldn't cry, he could do nothing of the sort.

"When does she want to see me?" was all he asked.

"Every day of the full moon," Aries replied, her smile still there, "You can use the ring of Ainz Ooal Gown to get to the guild."

Aries stood up from her seat, her smile giving way to an emotionless frown. "I must go now, for I have done what has been asked of me. Lady Miyako will be expecting you. Farewell, Lord Ainz."

And with that, Aries looked down at her Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown, and disappeared, leaving Ainz alone with his jumbled up thoughts.

Hope you liked it, Even though it was kind of short. Hopefully Ainz wasn't too ooc. Peace (:-)


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