That Ezria Story

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'Arias POV

Define normal. Some say that it's typical. That's it's expected. If that's the case, then my life is anything but ordinary.

I never expected Jake. He at least didn't seem like a standard of mine. He was someone I could trust. I felt safe with him. But I don't know if I like being safe. Not if its brought out with someone besides the man my heart belongs to.

It has almost been 3 months since the day I met Jake, but today was something different. Today was Ezra's 25th birthday.

"Jake" I called out to the confident man standing across the straight. He turned around to show himself as Jake. In the glimpse, I admired his toned and broad features. His scruff which lined his jawline and his eyes that stared down in to my soul, deeper and darker each sighting. He walked towards me with a bright smile, giving me one of those soft kisses that he knew I liked. Wrapping his arms around my neck, the gorgeous man gazed in to my eyes for a moment.

"I missed you" he responded.

"I missed you too."

I pecked his lips once more as I took his hand and we both walked to our destination. The Brew, also known as Ezra's favorite stop for me to revisit our past.

'Ezras POV

I was silent, sitting alone with my usual medicine to cure the bags under my eyes. A cup of coffee and my stack of papers to grade at the brew. Gazing out the window, my eyes met once again with the sight of Aria with Jake. I swallowed the large lump in my throat and went back to work. That's all I could do.

Life has been stressful. Nothing new in my hands. Maggie and Malcolm are gone for good and My mother could care less how I feel. The only happy birthday I got was from Wesly and thats the only message I've received from him all year.

The break up with Aria weakened me. I never remember any emotion that occurs or word that creeps from my lips and I can't sleep anymore. Ive tried to call her many times but she always declines anything. Anything that has to do with me.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ella.
"Hello Ezra" she stated.

Her hair was down like usual and she had a light grin on her face. I tried to show some emotion to be polite but running into Arias mom isn't exactly something that puts a smile on my face. She gave a small chuckle.

"How are you doing Ezra?"

"Im, alright."

She could tell something was up but then again who couldn't. She gave me a wierd confused look.

"How's malcolm?" She quickly shouted, trying to change the subject.

"Um, well actually he's away with Maggie. They left a couple weeks ago."

"I guess that gives you a little free time."

We both paused for a minute and waited for one of us to answer.

"Well I better get going" Ella finally answered. "Have a good day Ezra."

I smiled back and watched her walk away.

'Arias POV

When we finished lunch Jake drove me to his house. We slowly stepped up to the door as I remembered his parents weren't home for the weekend. Might as well take the opportunity to not waste this alone time. Pushing myself into his chest, My lips kissed his softly, slowly getting harder with more passion over time. With our lips still pressed against each other, I was startled by being hoisted up and my legs wrapping around his waste. When I looked up again the door was shoved in and we quickly hurried inside.

I was gripping his loose sweatshirt as I slid my tounge into his mouth to tell him to keep going. He walked up the stairs and into his room. The walls wear a pale white and his bed was made neatly.

When we reached his bed he plopped me down and kept kissing me while on top of my body until be pulled away.

"You sure?" He asked panting.


Suddenly, my body started to heat up and electricity ran down my spine. He unclipped and slid off my dress and tights to reveal just my black lace bra and my panties. I then ripped off his shirt as he took off his belt and jeans. Then he slid me under the covers.

'Ezras POV

When I reached my apartment, I started to rummage through my bag looking for my key finding nothing but wrappers. Surely, I remembered that I always left an extra under the mat for her to sneak in. Quickly, I grabbed it from under the mat, wiping off the dirt and dust.

After Jamming it into the door I walked inside and fell on the couch with a sigh. I rubbed my face feeling the wrinkles on my forehead. Running in to Ella reminded me of Aria. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist wanting to scream, until I heard a knock at the door.

Three police officers were revealed, two of them with their hands inside there pockets. The man in the middle had a gray suit on and he looked at me strange. "Ezra fitz?" the man with the suit asked.


"We have proof of you illegally having sex with a minor, also you're student. I will need to come with us."

I was speechless. My heart started to beat so fast that I thought it was going to fall out of my chest. I looked at them wondering what to say next. Nothing came out.

"May you turn around please?" the man asked.

My body turned around as he hand cuffed me with a grip. My eyes were wide as I silently heard the voices behind me.

"You have the right to remain silent."
The words echoed through me.

"Anything you say can and will be held against you" slowly his words faded away.

I was brought out of my apartment. One of the other officers closed the door behind him and then followed us off. I didn't know if I was coming back.

'Arias POV

Me and Jake were laying in bed facing each other with my hand softly holding his.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked worried.

"Im more than perfect" I answered with a grin.

He cupped my face in his large hand as he kissed my lips.

"I love you" I said to him. Jake paused and then kept kissing my lips with a light grip.

I wonderd to my self if he was going to say I love you back. Maybe he wasn't ready to say it. Or maybe the feeling was not mutual like I assumed.

I felt stupid, but I still kept on kissing him.
I didn't know why I did.

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