Bart's Death

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*red haired Bart is seen playing in the Pirate's Cove ballpit*

Bart:Do what you want cause a pirate is free,you are pirate.


Bart:Huh *gasp* That's Foxy's flag.

Vincent:Yep and you can have this plus anything you want if you come with me.

Bart:Oh,ok. *follows him down the hall to the Employees only room from earlier* Where exactly are we going?

Vincent:It's just down this hall,trust me.

Bart's mother: Bart,Bart. Where are you?

Bart:*sits in chair with blindfold over eyes* I'm ready. I want that flag.

Vincent:*sinister smile* Here it comes. *laughs evilly*

Bart:*cries* What did you do? *screams*

*Bart's decapitated and handless body then stops moving*

Reneta:Vincent,what are you up to?

Vincent:Oh, hello Reneta.

Reneta:*realizes Brandy is missing* Brandy,Brandy.

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