Need to find a ship

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"3...2....1 NOW!!!" Alpha squad jumped on the Elite breaking his armor then the alpha's took his weapons. "Ok Ghost hand me that weapon real quick."

"Yes sir." Bang Noble 6 shot the elite right in the head

"Ok alphas what other weapons did we grab"

"Sir all we grabbed was 2 plasma pistols and 1 plasma Grenade."

"Well that's all we're gonna have until we reach the weapons depot ok we're gonna have to reach the depot and also rescue That Sergeant."

"Sir yes sir"

"Sir what about the rest of the prisoners?"

"As far as I know there are no others Ghost was the last one to be brought in and the last civilian prisoners were killed."

"Sir what are we gonna do about a ship?"

"I'm not sure Ghost I'm sure we'll find something there's plenty of old UNSC ships we might be able to repair and if not there's plenty of covenant ships to steal."

"Sir do we even know where the Sergeant is?"

"Or that he's even still alive."

"Well blaster since we're in cell 6 and the other prisoner they wanted was in cell 2 I'm pretty sure he's in there."

"Ok then sir."

"Ok Alpha's were Gonna need to split up Blaster, Tucker you two will go rescue price. Haley, Ghost you two will follow me to the depot so we can get some weapons."

"Sir we only have two guns and 1 grenade."

"Well then I guess we're gonna have to.... Did you guys hear that?"

"Hear what sir?"

"It sounded like a foot step."

Bang bang bang.

"What is that?"

"Tucker hand me that blaster."

"Here you go sir."

"Ok alphas on me this could get messy."


Thanks for reading also this is not cannon in the halo universe  oh yea and follow me TheWintersBae and IronArse2206 other account diseasesHQ

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