Finally a ship

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"Don't worry dot I have a plan."
Ghost ran at the elites with the energy sword stabbing one of them through the chest killing him instantly and using the last of the swords energy ghost grabbed the elites gun and started shooting the other elite till the elite fell. "See dot told you I had a plan." Ghost took the medical supplies to noble 6.

"Ah how long was I out?"

"Awhile sir and also I have bad news Haley and Blaster have been captured."

"Shit what about tucker?"

"I don't know sir I sent him to search the cells for price he hasn't come back yet."

"How many covenant were holding Haley and blaster?"

"Sir they weren't covenant we don't know what they are dot can you possibly show noble 6 what the enemies look like?"

"Yes ghost just give me back to noble 6 and I can show him."
Ghost took dot out of his helmet and gave her to noble 6.

Noble 6 looked at the picture of the enemy. "Well Ghost I'm not entirely sure what they are they could be a ancient covenant soldier maybe."

"Maybe sir."
Someone started to approach the cell. Ghost and noble 6 drew there weapons.

"Hold your fire it's me Tucker."

"Good to see you Tucker, you find price?"

"Yes commander but he didn't make it whatever the covenant are fighting got to him first he had a huge hole in his shoulder from a gun shot but it wasn't covenant weaponry."

"Well we need to find out what the weaponry is and we need to find Blaster and Haley."


"Ok Ghost I've been knocked out and you've fought this new enemy so you take the lead on this mission."

"Are you sure sir?"

"Yes Ghost I'm sure now you and Tucker go find Haley and Blaster."

"What are you gonna do commander?"

"Probably something that's pretty stupid and more than likely gonna get me killed."

"What are you doing commander?"

"I'm gonna storm the hanger and grab us a freaking Ship, now let's move."

Ghost and Tucker ran down to where Ghost saw Haley and Blaster being dragged away by the New enemies
When they made to the location the enemies were gone but Haley and Blaster were just sitting there badly wounded.

"Dang it Tucker help me get Haley on my back then I need you to carry Blaster on your back and we gotta get to the hanger real quick."

"Ok Ghost here ya go." Tucker put Haley on Ghost's back. "Alright Ghost your turn." Ghost grabbed Blaster and put him on Tucker's back.

"Noble 6 this is Ghost have you got a ship yet?"

"Yea but you might wanna hurry up there's a lot of covenant and whatever that new enemy is and the ship won't last much longer so hurry your asses up."

"Understood sir on our way, ok Tucker noble 6 has a ship but we gotta hurry."

Ghost and Tucker ran as fast as they could shooting any covenant they saw and trying to keep Blaster and Haley on there backs when they finally reached the Hanger.

"Commander what ship are you in?"

"I'm in the damaged Pelican on the far side of the hanger."

"Ok sir we see you were on our way."

Ghost and Tucker ran to the pelican they were being shot at from everywhere they finally reached the pelican.

"Sir were in let's get out of here."

"Understood, Ghost Tucker I need you two to strap Haley and Blaster in then man those Turrets were being followed."

Thanks for reading guys and also don't forget to leave a vote or a comment or you know maybe you could do both

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