•Chapter 1•

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Percy's POV: 
  I woke up to the much dreaded sound of my alarm on my phone. Now, there's nothing wrong with the song it plays. It's actually one of my favorites, Under the Sea, from The Little Mermaid. And, as my mom once told me, there's nothing wrong with the song as long as I wake up on time. Which, of course, I never do.
  "Dam. (No, it's not a typo. Yes, it's what you think it is.)Just 5 more minutes." I say to myself. I mean it, I think groggily. Just 5 more minutes...


Before I knew it, I was out of bed and on my feet.
"YES, MA'AM! I mean MOM! I meant MOM! I'm up Mom!" I yelled.
My mom stood leaning against the doorframe to my room. She smiled. "Up and at 'em champ. You've got a big day ahead of you!"
"Umm... Oh! Wait. It's Christmas already? Jeez, global warming is really bad this year." My mom laughed. "No baby, it's not Christmas." She frowned. "Although, earth isn't at its finest hour. Anyway, baby it's the first day of school! Aren't you excited?!" I sighed and ran my fingers through my already messy hair.
"Uh, yeah mom, real excited."

My mom sighed too. "Baby, this year is gonna be great, okay? Seriously, I feel it in my bones. And these old, rickety things rarely feel anything anymore." I smiled. My mom always knows how to cheer me up. Even back when Gabe lived with us. Back then she still worked at Sweet America, the little candy shop in JFK. She would always bring home all the leftovers from that day at the shop. And one time all that was left were blue foods. Blue suckers, blue jelly beans, blue everlasting gobstoppers, and a bunch of other stuff. Ever since then, whenever I was upset, tired or there was some big event, like a swim meet, she would make any thing blue. So my smile was huge when she told me that if I hurried she might have enough time to make blueberry pancakes.


"Alright, do you have everything? Cause I don't want you to forget anything. And please, please, please try to be on your best behavior. And eat all of your lunch, okay? I don't want you passing out on the first day. And-"
"Mom." I sigh. "Michaela and Leo are waiting." My friends and I had all arranged to carpool since, obviously, we were too old for the bus. Or at least, that's what Thalia said.

Mom smiled. "Okay. Well, have a good day and remember that Paul is giving you a ride home." I sighed. Paul was mom's new boyfriend. He's okay, I guess. He works at Goode as an AP teacher. Of course, I wouldn't be in any of his classes because, why would I be in AP? "Mom. Why can't I just ride with Thalia? Or Leo?" Mom grinned. "No you can't because you two are going to be bonding! And no nonsense like last time, okay?" I laughed. Last time I rode/bonded with Paul, I tried to get answers to my calculus homework. It almost worked too. Until mom checked my homework and saw I got all of the problems correct. I can barely get one problem right without a tutor, so when I got all 50 questions right my mom was suspicious.

"Ok, well, have a good first day, alright? And if your buddies are coming over, tell them my 7 layer dip is in the fridge." I gasped, appalled.
"Mother! Dare ye not tell me thine has made the dip of 7 layers?!" Mom laughed. "Well, if thine had told thee of thine dip of 7 layers, there would be none left for ye friends!" We both laughed, enjoying the moment. Suddenly, a car horn honked. "LET'S GO, JACKSON!" Michaela yelled. I smiled, glad to hear her voice, even if it was yelling at me. "Ok mom, love you." I said. "Love you too, baby." she replied.


I dashed out the front door and bounded down the steps of our apartment and hopped into Leo's old restored Cady convertible 1949. I know what kind of car it is because I helped restore it over the summer. Leo's family owns a repair shop and Leo got me a summer job there. "Watch the paint job, dude. I just fixed that." Leo complained. I laughed. "Yeah, I know dude. I helped with it." Michaela rolled her eyes. "You boys and your cars. Step on it, Leo." Leo smiled at her. "Anything for you, my lady." I chuckled in the back seat. Everyone knows that Leo has had a huge crush on Mic-short for Michaela- since 2nd grade, when she first moved here from California. Ever since she told him that she liked his Go, Diego, Go! lunchbox, he's been smitten.

"Hey, Mic, how was your summer? Oh, wait, you worked at Taco Bell! I forgot." I smirked. I knew the whole 'having a job' thing was new to Mic since her whole family owned a huge tech company. But, even though I gave her a hard time about it, I still love her like a sister. "Ugh. Don't even go there. Half of my wardrobe
still smells like enchiladas." she complained. I smiled. Yep, I thought, that's our little diva.
Hi!!! Ok so this is the first chapter of my first story on wattpad. Plz no flames but corrective criticism is totally welcome. So I'll post as often as I can and at the end of each chapter I'll ask a question. It'll be completely random. So first question: coke or Pepsi? Thx❤️
Also, all 'o' dis is uncle ricks

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