•Chapter 3•

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Percy's POV:
Well, dam.
She's hot.
Like, really hot.
Like, super hot.
Like, so hot I could- OKAY Percy. Let's keep these thoughts rated PG, shall we? I think to myself. Okay, now let's tune into what Thalia is yelling at you about. "-YOU COMPLETE IDIOT! KELP HEAD! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!" I smiled. I loved annoying Thalia. "No, I'm not listening." I turned my attention to the hot blonde standing in front of me. "Hi. I'm Percy Jackson. And you are..." I smiled. Not to brag or anything, but I'm kinda known for making girls swoon over my smile. No one was known to be able to resist. Except for the blonde. "Hello. I'm Annabeth Chase. Nice to meet you."

Everyone was silent. Everyone else knew that my charm was irresistible. So when she brushed it of like dust on a shirt, everyone was surprised. I was flustered. "So...you're new?" I grasped for something to make conversation about. I really wanted her to like me. She was really pretty. Her blonde hair reminded me of princess curls. She looked like a typical California girl except for her stunning grey eyes. They calculated me and observed everything I did. I could almost see a storm brewing behind her them. She looked really smart too. That was a plus side. I could always use the homework help. She shrugged, her perfectly toned shoulders rising and falling. "I'm from San Fransico. My dads job moved." I realized I was still staring at her shoulders. "Uh, yeah, that's cool." I said, flustered once again.

And of course, Thalia took this chance to make fun of me. "Percy, as interesting as it is to see you undressing my best friend with your eyes, I'm sure she would like to get to class." Both Annabeth and I blushed. "Shut up, pinecone face." I said. She smiled. "You know you love me!" She patted my shoulder as she walked by, dragging Annabeth along with her.


After the catastrophe with Annabeth, I headed to English class. I dashed in right before the bell and headed to the back. Mrs. Dodds, the wrinkly old bat, glared at me. "Perseus Jackson. Late as usual. I had hoped to have at least one week without a single detention, but, alas, it seems not. Detention, Mr. Jackson." I sighed. "Still as lovely as the last 200 years, I see, Mrs. Dodds. You don't look a day over 130 years." Everyone in the class gasped and laughed. Jason yelled "Hey Dodds, need some ice for that burn?!" The class laughed and yelled 'burn!'. Dodds turned her death glare to Jason. "I see you will be joining Mr. Jackson and I in detention for this week." The class turned silent.

"Thank you. Now, we have a new student to Goode and I expect you to treat her with utmost respect. Would Annabeth Chase stand please?" I gasped as Annabeth stood and gave a little wave with a red face. "Hi." She muttered. Complete silence enveloped the class. Dodds cleared her throat. "Well, after that welcome, I will assign partners for our first project." Groans rippled through the class. "Jason Grace and Piper McLean. Thalia Grace and Nico Di Angelo. Michalea Simone and Leo Valdes." I watched as Mic banged her head on her desk when Leo winked at her. "Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang. Rachel Dare and Octavian Kline." But I don't remember anything after Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson.


I walked up to Annabeth's locker and cleared my throat. "So, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to, like, come over or something. You know, for the project." She looked up from her book. "Sure. Here's my number. Just text me the address." Pure luck. Complete and total luck. I just got her number. YES! SCORE! I think. "Just meet me after school in the parking lot. I can take my stepdad's car." She gave me a small smile. "Cool. See ya." As I turned to walk down the hallway, I did a little victory dance. I got her number, I got her number. I'm such a boss. I'm such a- my victory dance was interrupted when I bump straight into Mic and Piper. Mic raises an eyebrow. "What's up with you? You look like you just aced a test." She and Piper laugh at the joke. "Ha, ha. Very funny." I replied. Nothing could ruin my mood right now.


"Ok, so John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln on April 15, 1865. And-" I was supposed to be working on a project with Annabeth but I couldn't focus with her around. I really want to touch her curly, curly hair..."Percy! Are you even listening?" My head snapped up from her golden curls. "Yeah, Lincoln, 18 something, other stuff." I said, still distracted by her hair. She rolled her eyes. "Good to know that you're paying attention. Look, I'll come over tomorrow if that's okay, and we can work on it some more. 'Cause I gotta go home for dinner." I nodded. "Yeah, that's cool." I take a deep breath. "So, um, this was cool and, um, I was wondering if we could, you know, hang out, or something." She looked up from shoving books in her bag. "Yeah. That's cool. When?" I stared for a moment. Did she just agree? Yes idiot, she did. Now RESPOND! "Oh, um, maybe the movies on Saturday? Or whatever works for you." She did that cute face while she thought. She scrunched up her nose and puckered her pink, full, gloss covered, pretty lips. Huh? No, focus. "Yeah, that works. See ya Saturday." Then she blows my mind and hugs me. I get a whiff of her lemon smelling hair and die inside. Score! I'm in.
Hi. I'm really tired. So sorry if there are mistakes, it's late and I'm barely keeping my eyes open. Ok, happy Friday ❤️

p.s 1008 words yay! K nite

p.s at first I didn't spell open right. What I would do for some coffee......

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