•Chapter 2•

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You take a deep breath and you walk through the doors, it's the morning of your very first day.
Okay, Annabeth, you got this. I think to myself. Just walk through those doors. You got this. I push open the huge front doors of Goode High and walk into the humongous school. The doors opened and I gasped. The school was huge! It seemed as if I had just walked in to some school from a tv show, it was huge, new and full of kids. It was like a small ocean, every group of kids a different species. You had the Jocks with their football jerseys and terrible grades. You had the Rich Kids, their most expensive clothes on to show how much money they spent over the summer. "Yeah, so I asked for a lemon juice with mint leaves from, of course, the secret menu and do you know what she did? She gave me two mint leaves. TWO! Omg, she was so fired." A girl with long, luscious hair and probably fake boobs, flipped her brown locks and glared at me. Keep moving, Annabeth. You got this. I take a deep breath and keep moving. What other groups do you see Annabeth? Grouping always calms you down. I take a deep breath.

Okay. There's the Rebels, not to be mistaken for the Goths and Emos. The Rebels stood with their backs against the lockers glaring at any one who dared to breathe in their direction. It was weird. One of the glares looked strangely familiar..... "Oh my gods, Thalia?!" I exclaimed. Her head snapped up. "Holy Hades, is that you Annabeth?!" Thalia marched over to me in a way that hadn't changed sine I last saw her at the age of twelve. "Oh my gods, let me look at you. " She smiled. "You really haven't changed." She said as she took in my simple blue jeans, tank top, a jacket tied around my waist and, of course, my beat up red converse. I grinned. "Neither have you." I said, looking at her blue crop top with yellow lighting bolts on it, (she always had a thing for storms and the sky) ripped, black jeans and her famous combat boots. The only thing different was the streak of electric blue running through her bangs. Thalia's bright blue eyes light up. "Omg! I have to tell the crew that your here! C'mon, they're in the library."


You say hi to the friends you ain't seen in a while, try and stay out of everybody's way.
As Thalia dragged me to the library, I wondered what the girls looked like. Last time I saw them all, Mic had braces and thick, round glasses, Sophia was quiet and had a bit of anxiety, Piper was 4'8 and loved Hello Kitty and Hazel was 8 and loved Justin Bieber. I mentally sigh. Things have changed.

Thalia and I burst through the doors of the library and she takes me to the very back of the huge room. As we turn the corner, I see a group of kids sitting in a sort of lounge area. "Okay, people, your attention please." Thalia said. Everyone looked up. Suddenly, four high pitched squeals come from one area. Before I could say 'shist' four girls were hugging me so hard I could hardly breathe. Michela was first to separate from the group hug. "OHMIEGURDANNABETHWEMISSEDYOUSOMUCHWAITAREYOUGOINGTOSTAYORWHATOMG!!!" I winced. I forgot that Mic is very loud. A chorus of 'shhh' went around the library. "Sorry." She said, sheepishly. I smiled   "It's cool, Mic. Wow, you look great!" She really did. Even though she was wearing short gym shorts and a Taylor Swift t-shirt, she was pretty. Her glasses and braces were replaced by contacts and Invisalign. Her once tangled mass of hair was straight and held back by a bandana. She had triple piercing on both ears, something she had always wanted. She smiled. "Thanks, Annabeth." She turned to the other kids and announced, "Okay people, this is Annabeth. Line up and give her your name and a fact about yourself." I snorted. Mic always had a flair for the dramatic. A Latino boy with curly hair and grease stains on his shirt groaned. "Do I have to, mamasita?" Mic tossed a glare in his direction. "Yes, Leo. Now get your lazy a-" Hazel cleared her throat. "Language, Mic." Mic sighed. "Okay, Hazel. Get your lazy butt up and over here." The boy, Leo, frowned. "Please, Leo. With a cherry on top." The boy's face lit up. "Well, when you say it like that..." I chuckled. It was obvious he had a crush on her.

The first person I didn't know in line was a girl named Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Her name sounded familiar and I learned that her dad, David Dare was a rich politician. Everyone called her RED because of her initials and her curly, red hair. Next was Leo, the funny little guy. "Leo Valdes, at your service, madam." I laughed. I figured he was the clown of the group. Then there was Jason, the captain of the football team, Frank, the sweet, quiet one. Apparently some one was missing because Thalia was blowing up. "Ugh, where is he? I told him to be here before the first bell. Argh, that stupid kelp head." Suddenly, the doors of the library burst open. "Sorry, Thaila! They were giving out free cookies in the home ec room." He dashed around the corner and came to a stop right in front of me. I stifled a gasp. Well, dam.

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