•Chapter 4•

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Italics aren't working so........
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Also, please look through the ppl I'm following and follow them.

Lastly, can u start a tag? Cause I wanna start one.

Wow omg I just realized that tags are writing prompts. Ok then.


Annabeth's POV:
Did he just ask me on a date?! I thought as I walked out of the Jacksons apartment. Yes, you dummy. And that means that.... I almost gasped as I hailed a cab. He likes me! Ahhhh! Omgs, what's Thals gonna say? I smiled as I climbed into the cab. I had hot date on Saturday. Well then......


"Casual or fancy?" Micky asked. It was Saturday night and all us girls sat in my room. We-no Micky-was going to find my outfit and do my hair. <A/N-I know Annabeth doesn't usually do this sort of stuff but I feel like describing her outfit and hair because that is my one fatal flaw. Ok, carry on.> I sighed. "Casual," I replied. "We're going to the movies." Piper wriggled her perfect eyebrows. "So you can get smoochy and kissy?" She asked slyly. Thaila looked up from her phone, suddenly interested. "Mmmhmm, yeah, he's probably going to pull that fake yawn thing." We all laughed, but a memory tugged at me. What was that dejà vu? Hmmm...... where is that from...... Suddenly, I am falling, falling back into time.


He yawned, and a smile was in his voice when he asked "I'm so tired, aren't you?" His arms slowly wrapped around me, warm and cozy. "I love you." He whispered into my ear. I smiled, a tired but satisfied one. "And I, you, my darling." I whisper back.

~end flashback~

I gasp, realizing how to breathe again. "Annabeth, are you okay?!" I hear. But it sounds like I am under water, waves washing out the sound until it is as blurry as my vision is right now. "I-I-I'm o-okay." I manage to stutter out. "Maybe you should just stay home. I'll call Percy, I'm sure he'll understand-" Hazle starts. "No. I-I'm f-fine. Micky, hurry with t-that outfit, okay? I just need to s-sit." I say firmly. Or as firmly as I can.

Micky looks at me suspiciously. "Okay... if you say so." She wanders back into my closet. When she comes out she is holding a pair of dark ripped jeans, and a cute leather jacket. "You can wear a cami under. Grab those black ankle boots." She narrowed her deep brown eyes as if she was going to war. "Let's do this."

~10 minutes later~

"TIME!" Yelled Micky. Thalia stopped the stopwatch on her phone. "10:00 minutes exactly. Your personal best." On the outside she looked so bored but I knew that on the inside she was a little excited. I smiled at her. "So, how do I look?" I asked. She quirked an eyebrow. "Turn." I turned. I hadn't realized how nervous I was until now. It's just Percy, I thought. But did I like him back?

Thalia cleared her voice and pulled me out of my thoughts. "You look good." She said. And in Thalia language 'good' really means 'AMAZHANG'. We all cheered. Micky smirked. "I know, I know, I'm amazing. Now, he'll be here any second so-" DING-DONG. Hazel looked up. "Well, I guess he's here." Suddenly, they all stood up and pushed me towards the door. I yelled "Wait, do I look okay?!" Piper gave me a once over. "You look sexy. Now, get out." I blushed and Thalia took that as a sign to open the door.


Percy stood in the doorway with a grin on his face. When I walked out to greet him his jaw dropped. I hope that's in a good way, I think. "You...you look....wow." He said. I smiled shyly. "You don't look too shabby yourself, mister." I replied. Though he wore a plain long sleeve shirt, his muscles could easily be seen through it. Thalia said he had started working out so he could be strong enough to protect his mom from her old husband, Gabe. Honestly, that's very kind of him to do that. And there's the plus of having huge arms, so. 

"I-I got you this." Percy said. He was so cute when he was nervous. In his hand he held a necklace with an A on it. It was surrounded by sparkly crystals. I gasped at the beauty of it. "Oh my gods, thank you! This is beautiful." He reddened. "Can I, um, put it on you?" He asked timidly. I smiled and nodded. As I turned around I saw the curtain in the window move. There watching us! I thought. Suddenly, a camera flashed and we both jumped.

"MICHELA SIMONE!" I yell. Percy flinches.


As we walked into the movies, I hear an annoying voice call out,"Oh, Percy! Hey babe!" I slowly turned around, my heart filled with dread. It was the girl from the hall on the first day. Percy sighed. "Hello, Drew." He sounded like he had some history with her. The girl, Drew, walked right past me and got all up in Percy's face. "Fancy seeing you here, hon. So, do you wanna ditch this place and head over to my house?" Percy gritted his teeth. "No, Drew. I'm on a date with Annabeth." Drew turned around and looked right past me. Again. "With who?" She asked.

I cleared my throat and tried not to slap her. "Me. And I would appreciate it if you left so Percy and I could actually enjoy the movie." Her dark eyes finally landed on me and she smirked. "Oh, I guess I have nothing to worry about then." She stalked off, her minions behind her. Percy turned to me and sighed. "Look, I'm sorry about that. We used to be a thing but-" I sighed. "You know what? It's fine. Whatever. I'm going to the bathroom." I walked off fuming. How could he do that, and then try to make it better?! Ugh, why did I agree to this. I turned around to give him a piece of my mind. "And just so you know-" but I didn't finish my sentence because suddenly, his lips were on mine. At first I was startled but then I relaxed. I forgot that we were in public. I forgot that I had tears streaming down my face. Percy tasted like the sea, which is a weird thing to say but it was so true. His lips trailed down my neck and back up again. My breath hitched in my throat. He whispered my name like a vow. "Annabeth." I smile slightly. "Percy, people are staring." He pulled away slowly and stared at me. "What." I whispered. "He grinned. "You're beautiful." I blushed madly.

Together we made are way to the theater, although if you asked either of us we couldn't tell you a thing about the movie.

YAY PERCABETH! So how was it? Ok have a dam good Friday. Bye❤️

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