Authors Note + Few Notes for Readers. (Very Important)

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First off, I would like to thank you for clicking on this story. I wonder what caught your attention. Most crossovers don't really get a lot of popularity so I was thinking of also posting this on

Anyway, during this fanfic there are a few very important facts and notes you need to know:

ZERO: While this isn't necessary, very recommended to have either read or watched Hunter X Hunter and Akatsuki no Yona. And also recommended having read the Akatsuki no Yona manga up to Zeno's power reveal.

ONE: Since Zeno lives until the 21st Century and knows and watched Hunter X Hunter as an anime, you would think that there is an anime about Akatsuki no Yona right?

WRONG! For the sake of what little reality and logic this fanfic has left, we're (as in you, I, and this fanfic) going to pretend that Akatsuki no Yona actually happened in the past (Actual historical records do not exist, it's just legends and fairytales, so no one in the 21st century actually believe in the legend, thinking its just a story.).

So to put it all in a sentence. Akatsuki no Yona is not an anime in this fanfic, but a fairy tale/legend/story.

TWO: Zeno is immortal and living in the 21st century as a wanderer, so his existence isn't actually in any records so the world doesn't know of him since he has no citizenship.

THREE: Zeno still has his Yellow Dragon powers, any body part that is injured turns into indestructible body armour of yellow scales, during that state, he has the arm strength of the White Dragon (Hakuryuu) and the leg strength of the Green Dragon (Rokuryuu.) He will also be given other abilities in this fanfic.

FOUR: In this fanfic, Zeno will be both a little OOC (First time writing his kind of personality) and OP (Over-powered). You have been warned.

FIVE: This fanfic will have lots of bromance and a few Yaoi moments. There will be no 'serious' pairings unless you readers request it, but if the majority of you don't, then I will either let the story go without any pairings with Zeno, or I will do a multiple-ending. (Chances are multiple-ending since I wasn't really planning for a serious yaoi pairing story in the first place)

FYI, my favourite character ranking goes like this:
- Hisoka Morrow (I have no idea why)
- Chrollo Lucifer 
- Kurapika

SIX: Any religious people, I know I'm kind of carelessly using the phrase God, so I hope you will forgive me.

SEVEN: In Hunter X Hunter, there is a character who is Killua's grandfather, Zeno Zoldyck, so just warning you. Not changing names, but there will be two Zeno's, but you, dear reader, are only going to focus on Zeno the Yellow Dragon. The other Zeno will probably only show up for a couple of chapters and that's it.

EIGHT: This story will have censored swearing (but sometimes I might be a little careless and forget to censor it), so I recommend you, my dear reader, to be at least age 12 and up. Of course, just to let you know, Zeno will probably do no swearing, the 'innocent' soul he is, but I can't say the same for the rest of the HxH characters.

NINE: I welcome any comments. Crave it even, but negative comments I don't welcome. I don't mind criticism most times (even though it wounds my pride every time), but if you don't like the story then don't read. It's as simple as that.

TEN: This will probably be mentioned in the story during the next chapter, but I would just like to say that Zeno will probably catch a lot of attention appearance wise, after all, the animations in both anime are fairly different, but I think (and people, please don't kill me for this comment, remember I love both anime equally) that Akatsuki no Yona has slightly prettier characters.

Hunter X Hunter & Akatsuki no Yona (Crossover): The Will of the Yellow Dragon.Where stories live. Discover now