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First off, thank you for continuing! I would just like to make sure that you read to last chapter, which is actually an boring Authors note, but still pretty important. I realized like 2 hours after I published that I missed two notes, so I added it quickly, but just in case some read it before I edited it, here they were.

- While this isn't necessary, very recommended to have either read or watched Hunter X Hunter and Akatsuki no Yona. And also recommended to have read the Akatsuki no Yona manga up to its newest updates.

- Zeno, in the manga, during his wandering after he left Hiryuu's castle met a girl named Kaya whom he married to. In this fanfic, while Kaya exists, they didn't actually get married but had a more sibling-like relationship.

- This fanfic is based off of Hunter X Hunter 2011 version and Akatsuki no Yona anime and manga (the manga is still continuing.) While I still keep up with the Akatsuki no Yona manga, I don't keep up with HxH manga, so I don't know what happens beyond the 2011 anime (I actually didn't finish the anime either, stopped at the Chimera Ant arc, raged quit after I found out that Killua and Gon end of separating at the end of the series). So if I do reach the end of the anime through this book (which I know isn't going to happen anytime soon), I'm going to complete it once I reach the end of the anime. But a sequel where I continue with the manga is in consideration if a lot of people do like this fanfic.

 - A few minor OC's will appear (no one major, and honestly, most of them, if not all, will probably have only one paragraph of screen time.

On this note, I will confirm that other Akatsuki no Yona characters will appear. For flashbacks, or special moments to deliver messages to Zeno. Or any other moments I will not spoil. But none of the AnY Characters will make a very big appearance in this story, the only AnY character you should be expecting is Zeno all the way.

Anyway, lets start the prologue (Please note that in most stories, the beginnings are always boring.)




"Yona, LOOK OUT!"




All cries and sounds of warning fell deaf to the Princess of the Four Dragons as she fellto the ground, three arrows sticking out of her back.



"I'm sorry...but there is nothing I can do..." 


"Hak, Let go of him! Calm down already!" 



The rest of the dragons were silent, still frozen in shock and horror of the news that was just presented to them. 

The White Dragon instantly joined Hak in forcing the medic, unable to accept to truth. Screaming and crying the entire time as his dragon arm started to boil like fire in his grief.

Hunter X Hunter & Akatsuki no Yona (Crossover): The Will of the Yellow Dragon.Where stories live. Discover now