Kylie, SKooL, and Tours

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What is considered cliché when writing a fanfiction? Is it when the boy gets the girl or when brown hair is described as only 'chocolate"?

Well I'll tell you when it's overly cliché....

Yay! My mother is letting you move to London for the summer because she's a fucking carefree parent whom doesn't care where her under age daughter travels.

So basically You ask her, "Hey mom, my friend Kylie (because there's always a Kylie in a fanfiction) and I want to go to Londen over summer to her parents other house!?" Because she's obviously rich..

"OH SURE SWEETY, LET ME ASK YOUR FATHER!" The mom always calls the daughter SWEETY because that's what everyone does.

Then when the dad gets home from work, he says yes because he fucking trusts his daughter with all his heart and offers her his credit card and shit. He'd say,

"Okay, honey, be safe!"

All dads call their daughters honey.

And bam, the next day you and your friend are off to London!

You get to your house and decide to go to the coffee shop that is walking distance. Kylie Keeps telling you about that band one direction and you frown because you hate one direction.

But then, wholla!

You run into Harry styles and then you fall in love and he asks you to go on tour with him.

Because its so fucking normal to fall in love with a singer and travel with him around the world with out the worry of the fucking people who gave birth and fucking raised you.


When you ask them to go on tour after the summer in Londen, they are gung-ho happy and are all like,

"YEs, bUT hOneY, Be SAFe."

Okay thanks mom, glad you give a fuck.

So then, you go on tour and end up being called the 6th member of the band.

No hate for dating Harry Fucking Styles

No communicating with parents

And quitting school because you want to be with harreh.

KAy Baiii, GOoD LucK FiNNIshinG SKooL..

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