Fake Dating turns inTo reAL daTing

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You are walking down da street bc u is a fine woman and suddenly someone sees u. U is like,

"wut da fak?"

Den they ask u if u wanna fake date Harry bc he needs publicity and u is like,

"No wey, I hate 1D1!1!1!1!1!" But den u agrees bc u need the money. U sign a contract so dat Modest now "ownes u" and Wen you and Harry meet, you guys fight alot. U hate eachother.

(Like every story line ever)

One day, He pulls ur hair and the pain makes u fart and he makes fun of u.

U says,

"I shall cut off yer balls" and u guys fight. Den wen cameras cum, u is holding hands and being nice 2 each other. Then like, 4 days later, u feel like dis "fake love" is real. Then he confesses his real love 4 u and u r all like, "I LOVE U 2, bby."

U guys "real date" like actual couples and den when da contracts over, U go home bc ur parents (who r never mentioned to be worried about their daughters disappearance or education) r mentioned suddenly bc we all thought u were made from unicorn shit. They miss u. Den After u is gone, Harry misses u and goes after u. He convinces u to go in tour with him bc he loves u to death.

U convince ur horrible parents to let u go with him on tour and drop out of highschool. U and harreh have 4,900009 kids





The next fanfic I read that has parents who let their child go on tour with Harry Styles will revive a strongly worded letter written by me

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2014 ⏰

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