Five Unicorns

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"Mom, please. You know how much this means to her."

"Yes, I do, but right now, I'm a doctor first and there's no way I'm letting her exert herself. She needs the rest and that's what she'll get."

"Please, Mom. She's put her heart and soul into preparing for today. It's her idea after all. You can't make her pull out at the last second."

"Daniel we're lucky it wasn't a fracture or something even more serious. She's in no condition to walk or run or whatever."

"I'll be by her side all the time. I won't let her move an inch. Please let her come."

Those are the voices I wake up to. It doesn't take me long in recognising them as Daniel and his mother's. When Daniel took me to the ER last night, his mom was on duty. She did the X-ray of my leg. It wasn't a fracture, but I'd torn a ligament near my ankle, and so I needed a cast nevertheless.

After those hours at the hospital, my Dad (whom Daniel had called when I'd gone for my X-ray) took me home and I went off to sleep, with Daniel's mom's words playing in my head. She'd told me I needed strict bed rest for at least two days. I wasn't allowed to go anywhere.

The arguing voices quiet down when they see me watching them.

"Good morning, Abigail." Daniel's mother says as he rushes to me to kiss my forehead.

"Morning, Ashley." I wish her as well.

I move to get up and the weight at the end of my right leg starts to hurt immediately, reminding me of its unwanted presence.

"Whoa, steady there." Daniel says, his arms around me to hold me upright.

"See Daniel, she needs to stay put." His mom says.

"What about a wheelchair?" Daniel suggests and a flicker of hope ignites in me.

I've been moping since my fall yesterday and the misery has only been getting worse. Until now.

And Daniel's mother's silence tells me she's considering it.

I immediately cross all my fingers and a glance at Daniel tells me he's doing the same as he watches his mom in anticipation.

"Promise you'll stay with her all the time?" She asks.

"Cross my heart and hope to die." Daniel replies.

"Zero exertion?"

"I won't even let her fetch herself a glass of water on her own."

"You should know I'm only doing this for Anna and because you've both put in so much effort in preparing for this party."

"So that's a yes?"

The nod we get in reply makes us both whoop in delight and while I thank Daniel's mother repeatedly, he goes and gives her a tight hug.

"Okay, okay, calm down you two. Daniel, you can get a wheelchair from the medical store, go get one. I'll stay here with Abigail." Daniel's mother says.

He nods and runs out of the house.

"Come on, I'll help you to the bathroom." Daniel's mom offers and I let her lead me.

Every minor movement makes pain flare up in my ankle. It's dull compared to yesterday's torture, but it's pathetic all the same. I tell myself to suck it up and deal with it. If only I hadn't been lazy to move the stupid ladder and climb it again. I brought this upon myself and for Anna's birthday's sake I'll have to endure the pain.

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