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"He's all good." Sakura said, taking a step back. She had finished dealing with his injuries, leaving scars here and there. It was strange how there were injuries around his mouth but no where around his eye, except for that large one across his eye.

Kakashi closed his eye and looked at Obito. "Bandage." He said shortly. He had nothing else to cover up his eye.

Obito looked at him, then at the bandage. For a long while, he stared at it before grinning slightly, tossing it aside. He put his goggles down, covering his eyes and took off his headband, handing it over to Kakashi. "You're coming back to the leaf with me, alright? Take this. You're one of us still."

Kakashi was confused at first then his eyebrows rose in surprise. He took the headband and looked at it, running a finger over the leaf design. His own headband was left at his apartment when he was taken.

He looked at Obito as he wrapped it around his head. The memory of doing this many times in the past came to him. The only thing he changed was sliding it down over his eye. It was rather comfortable, actually.

"You look complete, now." Obito chuckled, although he knew Kakashi was far from that. Emotionally and mentally, he couldn't be.

"Come on, let's get you out of here. Sakura?" He turned to her, nodding as a sign that it was time for them to make a move.

Sakura nodded and went ahead of them, looking left and right for the boys. "They better not have gotten lost." She muttered. But of course Sasuke wouldn't. Maybe Naruto, but not Sasuke.

Kakashi nodded and stuck close to Obito. He could walk, but it wasn't strong and easy steps. They were uneven and unbalanced. "Rin." He found himself saying. That was the girl with brown hair, right?

The mention of that one particular name. Obito tightened his grip on Kakashi's waist, helping him move along. He was almost too hesitant to mention her name, because it was because of him that she didn't quite exist anymore- Maybe only in his memories, but that was it. "Rin?... I'm sorry.." He shook his head, not saying more.

Kakashi frowned lightly. He knew what that meant. When did it happen? How long ago was it? He pushed that away for now and focused on what's going on around him. He would think about it later.

Obito's eyes drifted away from his former teammate. He was full of regret, and he couldn't bare to tell him what happened just yet. Not now, since he was already torn up to begin with. "Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, hurry with them. We've got to get them out before we proceed with our mission."

"You got it sensei!" All the Naruto shadow clones echoed. Kakashi almost freaked out. Sasuke only gave a quick nod before continuing.

Kakashi followed Obito and looked around. He had never been past this point so he knew they were leaving. Leaving... And, what was with all the blonde kid clones? He's never seen so many just like them before.

Sakura gulped at all the Naruto's and continued her work. Soon, most of them were able to walk and those who couldn't were carried.

Soon, all of the prisoners made their way out, one by one, they left the hideout. The coast was clear by the next ten minutes and it was time for their real mission. To track and locate Orochimaru. They weren't instructed to engage, but to confirm his location.

"Kakashi, you should stay with Sakura. I've got business to settle." Obito said.

Kakashi looked at the girl and looked back at Obito before nodding. Was Obito seriously going to go after Orochimaru?

Sakura watched as the former prisoners looked around like some of them had never seen trees before. It was kind of sad to watch, to be honest.

"Sakura, stay with him, keep him safe." Obito gave her his final instructions before setting off with Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto was as excited as always and went on ahead. Obito had a hard time trying to keep up with him, but it was how it's usally like during missions. "I'll be right back!" He yelled back at the two, his student and his former teammate. He looked over his shoulder and gave Kakashi a thumbs up.

Kakashi watched Obito intently and looked down at his hand before returning the thumbs up. It was the least he could do.

He turned to Sakura and saw the girl was still staring at him. That made him uncomfortable as he looked at her green eyes.

Sakura gave Kakashi her water and let him drink it. The silver-haired man began to pass it around to the others. That's when Sakura began the questions. First they started out easy, like how he knew Obito and what exactly happened. How did he get captured in the first place? Things like that. To Sakura's amazement, Kakashi had been there since he was barely a Chunin. And he had no clue how old he was. He just knew that he grew.

Kakashi told her what he could. Then he asked how old Obito was. When she told him, his frown deepened. That long huh... while they were talking, he began to connect similarities from the blonde kid to his old sensei. Was he okay to? When he asked Sakura, she just shook her head. She didn't seem to know. Or she was pretending to not know.

Kakashi and Sakura were silent after that. Kakashi laid back in the grass, his hair moving in the calm breeze. He looked up at the sky through one squinted eye. It was a very beautiful blue, the sky. He hasn't seen it in so long, he almost forgot what it looked like. If only the sun wasn't shining in his face.

Kakashi's eyes drifted closed until he fell asleep in the sun, one arm being used as a pillow.

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