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Obito leapt to his feet and turned to the medic. "Yes?"

"You can go in now. He's been asking for you." She said.

Obito nodded. "Thank you." He said as he walked past the medic and into the hospital room.

Kakashi almost jumped out of the bed as he saw Obito. "You're still here!" He said. His clothes were changed and his eye was closed instead of covered by Obito's forehead protector.

"Did you think I wasn't? I can see you're feeling better. Just a bit."

"Well, you do have a team, right?" Kakashi asked. "I figured you were somewhere with them."

Obito shook his head and chuckled. "Nope. They were relieved to hear the rest of the day was freetime."

"What do they usually do?" He asked.

Obito shrugged. "Naruto gets food, goes to sleep, or he follows the others around. Sakura, I'm not sure what she does most of the time. I do know that she likes to hang around Sasuke." He smiled. "And Sasuke, likes to hang out by himself. Constantly training or doing something productive."

Kakashi nodded. "Can I leave now?" His eye looking around the room.

Obito shook his head. "Probably not. I'm going to get a report on what they gathered, unless you'd like to tell me yourself?" He offered.

Kakashi shook his head silently.

Obito nodded. "Okay. I'll be right outside." He said as he turned and walked to the door. He closed it and faced the nurse waiting. "What did you find out?" He asked.

She held up a clip board and turned one page. "He refused to show us his eye, but that scar will most likely be there for life. He's pretty damaged, mentally and physically. Some of his bones healed incorrectly after they were broken, so we're going to have to fix that." She said. "So, he's going to be here for at least another month."

Obito sighed and shook his head. "He's not going to like that. He probably hates hospitals or anything like it in general, now that I think about it."

The nurse nodded. "I'll send this report to the Hokage. Are you going to go back in there?"

Obito nodded. "Yeah. He wanted to know when he can get out of here." He said as he went back to the door, sliding it open. "Thank you, ma'am." He said.

He walked in, closing the door behind him. "Hey, Kakash-What are you doing?" He asked.

Kakashi froze and looked over his shoulder. He was dressed (mostly) and was trying to climb out the window.

"You idiot. Get back in bed." Obito said, walking over to him and closing the door, lightly pushing him back towards the bed.

Kakashi didn't protest to much, but Obito could see it on his face, he didn't like this.

"I'm guessing you heard?" Obito asked.

Kakashi nodded. "A month? At least?" He sighed. "I don't think I can do it..."

Obito shook his head. "It'll be fine. I'll be here, remember that." And he would. His team has to train for the Chunin Exams coming up anyway. It would be the second one they attended. The last one was a wreck, as almost everyone knows. He was already working out a schedule where he could train everyone evenly, and still have plenty of time to visit Kakashi and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.

Kakashi sighed. "But you have a team, right? Three other people to take care of."

"And you make four." Obito said pulling the blanket neatly back onto the bed and resting in on Kakashi's legs. "You're still my teammate. And seeing as I'm higher rank than you, I have to take care of you." Obito said, smiling down at the silver hair.

Kakashi looked down silently.

Obito put a hand on his head, running his fingers thought his hair. "Now, visiting hours are almost over. So you can have a peaceful rest."

Kakashi's eyes shot open. "But that means you have to leave."

Obito sighed. Kakashi was honestly like a child. Never wanting to be parted with his guardian.

"You'll be fine. If there's anything you need, they will let me know."

"Are you sure I have to stay here?"

Obito chuckled. "Wow. You're pretty clingy Bakashi." The results were instant. Kakashi's face lightened at the familiar nickname.

Kakashi gave him a small, playful glare. Obito just smiled.

Kakashi honestly really missed that smile. But...he didn't want to be left alone. He was afraid that if he was alone, Orochimaru would find him again. He had tried to escape many times. The results were all failures. No matter what he did. Nothing convinced him this time would be any different.

"When I visit you tomorrow, you can tell me what's on your mind. How about that?" Obito said.

Kakashi looked up at him and nodded. "Tomorrow...yeah."

Obito smiled at Kakashi one last time before he walked out, closing the door behind him. He turned to one of the nurses waiting outside. "Please make sure he doesn't try to escape." He said softly.

The nurse smiled kindly. "Of course. You have a nice day, okay?"

"Will do." Obito said as he walked down the hall.

Kakashi stared at the door, trying to hear what was being said. It was to quiet this time. He looked towards the window as he laid back down. He let out a sigh. He probably wasn't going to able to get some rest, with how active his brain was right now.

Now that he thought about it, Orochimaru had actually treated him pretty well. For an experiment, that is. He was fed what he needed, and was given time to heal after every test. When he was younger, Orochimaru had actually waited and was patient, egging him on slowly. Treating him with kindness.

Now, Kakashi didn't know what to think. He had overheard Orochimaru saying that he was learning nothing else from Kakashi. So Kakashi was quickly becoming useless. Would he be useless here? Just dead weight for his former teammate to haul around?

He closed his eyes and shook his head. No. He couldn't let that happen. He needed to be useful to live. In order to be useful, he had to train, get back in shape. He wanted to be running full speed beside Obito, not dragging behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2017 ⏰

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