Chapter 20

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Mia' s POV

"Happy birthday dear Mia happy birthday too youuu" my family and friends sang. They clapped, and I blew out my 18 candles.

"What did you wish"? Miles asked smiling at me. I blushed. I didn't wish for anything.

"Wouldn't you like to know" I said smirkong at him. He scoffed before laughing.

My aunt started to cut my pie. There was 4 pies. One for me personally after the party and three for during the party.

My aunt and uncle, Miles, Brodie, Dylan, Molly, Asia, my cousins Rosey, and Daryl, and my uncles sister Melody and her husband Jeff, and there kids Jake and Janel.

They handed out pies. I ate with Miles and my other frineds while the family mingled with each other.

"So, later we should go to a club" Molly blurted out. Brodie looked at her like she was crazy.

"Yeah totally" Asia said. I think she was being serious.

"Uh no" Brodie said glaring at Asia for wanting to go to boost Molly to go even more.

"It could be a fun night, a fun night for Mia" Asia added.

"True, I mean who has a birthday and dosn' t  party" Molly said. I actually wanna go out now.

"I wanna go" I said. But Miles seemed to glare at me.

"No, no one is going out tonight " he said looking at me then to all my friends.

"She can't go out anyways we have a surprise for her tomarrow morning we have to be up by 5" my aunt said coming over and collecting some of the empty paper plates.

"Perfect" Miles said. I glared at him. He's a jerk.

"Well, present time" my aunt sang. People gathered around, and put their presents for me out in front of me.

Some were really small, couple were big, and there was also cards.

I took the one my aunt and uncle gave me. I opened the bag and saw two dog leashes and collars. They were black. The collars had spikes, but on each of them had the dogs names in what looked like gold stones.

"Aw thank you. They are cute, and are the gold stones real"? I said to them, they nodded.

"It only costed us at least $6,000 bucks, but we had help from a uh friend to pay for them" they explained I nodded.

I then opened my  next gift which was from Molly is was a spa day pass with $40 bucks.

Many presents and cards  later I had two gift cards for jamba juice, one card for little Caesars, and $375 bucks. And another present was a box filled with candles lighters, and incense.

Everyone went home, and it was me my aunt and uncle home now I was in my room, shopping online for anything really. Maybe some workout stuff. Like a new gym bag or something.

There was a knock on the front door. I let my aunt and uncle answer it. I heard talking and  the door close. I heard no talking until my name was called.

"Coming" I yelled back. I got up from my bed and dragged a blanket that was wrapped around me with me.

I entered the living room to see that guy again standing next to my aunt and uncle.

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