chapter 27

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Mia's POV

It's Sunday morning now, and since the day he ate me out, I have gotten spanked three more times.

Two of the times weren't really even my fault. Miles is just a dominant possessive bastard.

But I love him nonetheless.

Okay, so the first time, was when I got out of the shower that one day, and he said he saw me roll my eyes, and I told the truth. But he got all scary and angry, so I slammed the door on his face and picked it.

But his ass, kicked the door down, and came in. I was scared, and I may have hit him in his family jewls. At first, I felt relieved, but then incredibly bad, and tired to console him.

Which resulted me in 50 spankins.  After he spanked me, I wouldn't let him touch
Me. He forced me to sit with him. It took two hours for me to calm down.

The second time was at school, I guess I walked away from lance without his knowledge and disappeared. That resulted in ten spankins.

The third time, I cussed at him multiple times, because the bastard took me out to eat, and in the elevator at the resturant, started to touch me.

I asked him to stop nicley, so I did what any girl would do, I smacked him, and cursed at him.

He was only mad that I cursed. But apologized for not stopping when I asked.

So I got 15 spankins.

But after each time, he made me feel good. It still sounded so embarrassing to say that he touched me in my head.

Like, I dont want people to know what is wrong with me.

He said I needed to be back Monday with an answer. I honestly, knew the answer already. I just didn't want to  beilev I was actually picking the answer I was.

Yes I loved him, but he is so possessive, dominant, over protective, and is controlling. I mean yes he did warn me, but still.

Me and him talked it up all last night, about him. He isn't into the kinky shit. Spanking is just something he believes should happen to woman then just hitting them, it's disciplinary, an effective enough to teach a lesson, but not to effective to break you inside.

He also said, he likes normal sex, he isn't really into tieing people up for sex or anything.
But he said if I was, he was open to try. Good thing I'm not!

He told me that, he grew up woman being the submissive to the man, but that was when they were alone. When they arn't alone they are equal, but she is still his submissive.

It's nothing kinky, it's just the way he is taught. He was also taught how to treat a girl right.

His family nor any of his gang members Beiliev in abuse. Spanking is what he excepts. Nothing more nothing less.

Or my thoughts anyway.

But my answer is still made.

I grabbed my bags ,and put them in my car. Miles was at work. So, he said I could leave whenever.

I drove home, thinking of our time spent together. It was nice, but humiliating to think I had gotten spanked.

I never knew he was like that. But it was interesting.  When I got home, I played with my babies, and fed them. I then took a shower, with them in it with me.

What? They needed to be bathed.

I got out, and got dressed in a shirt I stole from him, I then had some spandex on under.

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