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I walked upstairs and into the direction of the kitchen, while doing so I was stopped by my grandfather talking to me. 

"How was your day?" His low, dry, and old voice formed the words to say.

"Good." I said as usual. But I really DID have a good day. 

"I got rid of those bees on the back deck, so you won't have to worry about them anymore." 

I know my grandfather knew I was home since before he got home, but I was hiding in my room. Last time I talked to him, it was at 5:23pm today because I wanted to ask him something. Although... He WAS half asleep. Maybe he just wanted to start the conversation normally. 

A question instantly popped into my head. "How did you get rid of them? Did you burn them?" I thought, thinking about the small gang of flying ants all over a dirty dead wasp on the railing of the front porch. 

"No. I'm not supposed to tell you. Grandma wouldn't approve. Just be happy the bees aren't there to bother you anymore." 

I took a 1 second quick look in the direction of the back deck. To his reply, I got pretty confused. I squinted my eyes at him, then to the side, not looking at anything in particular. I slowly walked downstairs, clearly showing a suspicious figure that blended well with my expression. 

During my confusion while being upstairs, I thought, 'I have to write about this.' 

While walking downstairs, I thought, 'this would fit smoothly into my Thinking Peculiar story.' 

Somewhere in the middle of writing this, I thought, 'my grandfather does wear sunglasses for an odd reason all the time. If hes going out to his car for a drive, on a hot, sunny, summer, day, he wears his sunglasses. On a cold, either bright or dim lit, smack in the middle of winter, if he spots his pair of sunglasses' location near... He pops them on. What if my grandfather is Hugh... SHUT UP MIND, THATS IMPOSSIBLE. Ok. (I hate it when I yell at myself.) It would be pretty cool though.' 

My question: Did my grandfather kill the wasps, or move them to another location using his peculiarity?                                                                                                                                                                             

Reality- Kill them. No more wasps. :) . (The wasps secretly didn't bother me after a while. I liked they're presence almost. Every time I see a bee or any kind of similar species, I think of Hugh. Sorry, weird habit.)                                                                                                                                                             

Fan fictions and the world of MPHFPC fandom- USED HIS PECULIARITY. Congratulations Faith, you have easily found out your grandfathers secret without traveling to another island across the waters.         

Reality- You know you would rather go to Cairnholm, even though you know its a fake place... (I looked it up on google maps) 

I'm totally thinking about writing a fan fiction about this. Should I? If I shouldn't, please stop me. It might be weird.                   

FYI- This really happened on 9. 19. 16, AKA, September 19th, 2016. My grandfather has never joined my fangirling about MPHFPC. EVER. And my grandfather told me his parents kicked him out of their house when he was 16 years old.

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